Monday, April 27, 2009

I've got a song stuck in my head.

Recently I've "discovered" the talent prodigy of one of the most genious musicians of all time, Julian Lennon. And you might guess who his father is. You can notice that there's definitely a substantial amount of his father's genes that have been passed on to him.

I just adore this song. The musical quality and the lyrics are just mind-blowing. I love the use of strings and the guitar riff (which is coincidentally (?) reminiscent of those by George Harrison). Just makes the song sound... full. Complete, in a sense. Just has that flavor to it that seems as if it's bombarding you with sound from all directions. And in perfect harmony. Awesome. The vid to it is fitting, but the song in itself is what stands out to me. Just downright beautiful. So turn the volume up to the max, click "play", sit back and enjoy.

Needless to say, he has that Lennony flavor to his voice, though he definitely has his own style as well when you listen to some of his other songs. A little bit more mainstream than his half-brother Sean (who has chosen a more borderline-experimental-Tim Burton/Danny Elfman-esque style - at least judging by the one song I've heard from him), but still very catchy. Have a listen to "Dead Meat" and you'll know what I mean.

Apparently Julian is going to release another album soon after having had an endlessly long hiatus, and based on this song (and others by him) I'm seriously considering buying it. Or maybe just go for his VH1 collection first. Hm. We'll see.

Meanwhile, I have hardly done anything today besides working out and doing my translation assignment for tomorrow. I just haven't really had the energy for some reason. And they say working out is supposed to give you more energy. Bah. Poppycock. (Which is one of the stranger words in the English language, mind you. You might imagine why...)

Anywho, enough chitchat and nonsense from my part. I should get some things done before it's too late. Not sure if I wanna.

Signing off (blahly),

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