Saturday, August 08, 2009

Small talk, metablogging and something to get y'all through the weekend.

It's been eons since my last blog. I should get a grip on myself! Seriously.

Finally some time to ever-so-gently place my arse on a chair and sit in front of the computer to blog. Although I don't really feel much like blogging. Or, well, I do, but a complete willingness within is not present.

Aunt, uncle and cousin headed home for about 2 hrs ago. The house is so quiet now. Suddenly now it feels like something's missing. Like our family is not complete without them. Strange, but it'll wear off after a while. Besides, I'll be heading back soon myself so definitely no worries there.
I'm still feeling kinda unprepared to go back to uni. There are a few things that I feel I need to get done before I can really get started. Actually I feel kinda nervous thinking about which school I'll do my teacher training in. How will it turn out? How will the pupils act?

I seriously hope they won't be like the way we were in Elementary + Junior High. *shiver* Mind you, we gave our teachers a really tough time, Maths in particular. We (or rather, some of the guys in our class who shall remain nameless) wore out one teacher after another until we graduated with one teacher who simply refused us to get at him. Patient to the extreme, he was. Bless him. Never raised his voice once. Not sure if I want to be that kind of teacher, though. Keep everything cooped up inside and not letting your students know how infuriated you are with them. Patience is of the essence, yes, but when someone stretches it enough, I'll snap. One way or another.

Anyway, worries aside, just got back from our stay at the cabin. Really nice trip. Even though it wasn't perhaps as quiet as we'd reckoned it to be, it was still very fun. Playing Scrabble and singing our hearts out with our Magic Microphone (the Filipino near-equivalent to Singstar), fishing, sleeping as long as we wished (almost), laughing like heck, and driving around enjoying the scenery. Virtually no disturbances at all. *sigh*

Hm. I don't really have much to say at the mo. I blame that speck of unwillingness to blog. Sometimes when I blogged, I used to end up writing endlessly long posts. Have a look at some of my earlier posts and you'll know what I mean. Now, however, not so much. Strange. It just doesn't come to me as often as before, I guess. The wish to really write something, I mean. Nowadays it just seems to be small talk. Such as this. There are tons of thoughts just waiting to be written down, philosophies on life, love, work, etc., but for some reason I never have access to a computer whenever these thoughts crop up. Bah. Just my luck, I guess.

So, what's my answer to that? Isolate myself from the rest of the world for hours a day in front of the computer waiting for these thoughts to emerge from my subconsciousness? Obviously the answer is "no". So what do I do? Accept it's just a matter of timing? Yeah, why not?

Ooh, randomness! Don't think I've posted this before, but just found a clip from early SNL, from a skit called "Coffee Talk" with host Linda Richman. Yes, it's Mike Myers, the guy behind Austin Powers and yes, he speaks Yiddisch (*heart*). Apparently he based this character on his ex-mother-in-law. Gotta love the accent!

A third affirmative: Yes, Madonna and Roseanne Barr are on the show as well. Watch, laugh and watch out for schpilkes in your genecktickezoink!

Another one with Linda and Barbra Streisand, her idol. If this doesn't get you verklempt, I don't know what will. :-P


Oh, and check out ("Mrs.") Stephen Fry's blog too, while you're at it: Definitely a source for some laughs -- or at least a chuckle or two. ;-)

Signing off,

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