Thursday, June 01, 2006

Here's to boredom!

Yes, I have officially been devoured by the immensely terrible creature otherwise called Boredom.

Whilst exploring the deepest recesses of this hideous being (otherwise known as "hitting rock bottom" of Boredom) I came across a few undiscovered Norwegian words that I found rather peculiar indeed. My Norwegian friends will probably rejoice in my sudden (yet also perhaps inevitable) outburst of these findings, yet they cannot be hidden from any soul at all.

Oh. My. Gosh.

Am I crazy, or what?! This just proves I really am bored!!! Well, actually I am quite fond of absurdities in most forms, and a while ago I came across a Norwegian article on words that nobody's ever thought of before. In short, it was very much inspired by Pippi Longstocking... Anyway, I figured I'd have a stab at it myself, so here are the final results of my efforts (to English-speaking readers, you may skip this following part if you wish):

Overtrekksbasill: En basill som holder til i alle slags typer overtrekk, enten det gjelder sengetøy, godteri, iskrem, bilseter eller møbler. Om slike kan ha konsekvenser for helsen er også heller tvilsomt.

Superklyse: "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's SUPERKLYSE!" Superman, eat your heart out.

Polyesterbaluba: Dagny har salg! (Uff, den var stygg! Beklager så mye!) Enten det eller en typisk bemerkning for salg hos klesbutikker fra 80-tallet.

Sigarettlompe: Spis ei pølse samtidig som du røyker! En sånn en "2 in 1 deal". Eller rett og slett "noko attåt" nikotinen.

Bensinhumbug: For høye bensinpriser. Ebenezer Scrooge, anyone?

Klistermaur: Organisk lim.

Luftsau: Det fins jo luftslott, så hvorfor ikke?

Mursteinschizofren: Tør ikke engang tenke på hva det kan være!

Vorteklokke: Finn ut når din neste vorte kommer til å oppstå! Timing is of the essence...

Billeklype: En lite human måte å drepe uønskede insekter på, etter min mening. (Tenk klesklyper...)

Vannpyroman: Med andre ord, en veldig skuffet pyroman.

Crazy? Yes, most definitely.

Stupid? Oh yes.

Am I a lunatic? Nope.

I guess one should take this as a more light-headed deviation from all the heavier stuff I've written earlier. Personally I think we all need to go a little mad sometimes. It's just healthy! In my opinion it helps us cope with reality a whole lot better!

Anyways, let me give a little shout-out to Eilen, whose final exams in Spanish are closing in on her - slowly but surely (or perhaps a little too fast?). You're going to do great! I'm praying for you!

Abrazos a mi familia querida del ciberespacio!



Monsoon said...

Hi there!

Thanks for the good wishes, and I hope you are right; that I will do great. I am not totally optimistic though...

Loved your word things. But then I adore words. And by the way; you know the sign in Stavanger where it says "trafikkanter"? Doesn that acutally mean trafikk kanter, if you know what I mean. I have pondered upon it you see... And WORD doesn't correct it if I type trafikkanter, which means there is such a word as well. But of course, the way they meant trafikanter, is horribly misspelt.

Here is a good site for you since I know you love "bad english". I laughed out loud like a million times!

Here's to boredom!

hugs Eilen/Monsoon

Elise said...


Amazing that the spell check doesn't correct that! Trafikkanter? "Traffic edges"? Wottheheck?

Haha! Gotta love Norwenglish (or bad English as a whole...)! I'ma check out that site!

Hugs/huggies/any diaper brand,