Sunday, August 27, 2006

All's well that ends well...

FINALLY! Everything seems to work out in terms of classes! *happy dance* (It seems I'm doing quite a bit of those nowadays... Hm. I'm happy. So there.)

Hm, no comments on my last entry. Too unfathomable for you to handle, eh? ;P *lol* Either way, things appear to be just peachy keen at the moment. Have just finished writing a summary for a 20-odd-paged chapter (took ages to get it done!) so I figured I'd do some serious surfing now. Feel like I deserve that. Still have another 20-odd-paged chapter to go, though... So am relishing in it, but only to some extent.

Anyways, hope that y'all are doing well and that you're enjoying whatever you're up to. I am so far! :D This is just going to be a short one, alas, alack (abbreviation for Alaskan pollock, anyone? Riiight...), but fear not; give me some time and there will be yet another immensely large and nonsensical blog entry! I will not let you down!!!

God bless you all!

Klemmer/hugs/abrazos/(fill in any other word for "hugs" you can think of here),


Monsoon said...

¡Hola chica!

¿Qué tal?

I am so glad you're all happy and having a great time over there. You deserve that! It's very imortant to fit in and finding your place when moving to a new and big city. Proud of you!

I am not so happy, quite the contrary in fact. Terribly down really, but I have made a commitment to myself to turn that around, starting tomorrow.

Pray for me! Ok.

You are in my prayers, every day.

Love, abrazos y saludos Eilen :-)

Elise said...


Omigosh, haven't really gotten started with finding my place in Norways answer of "big apple"... That is, the "big, dirty, drug-addict-and-crime-infested apple, which, come to think of it, is not like the real 'big apple' at all"! :S

Down in the dumps, I hear? Heartbreak? Same reason as before? :( Not fun, innit? But like a phoenix rising from the flames you will rise from your past torments and tribulations and emerge as a new woman! (Getting a little too poetic here, aren't we?)
Feel free to send me a mail about this (or other matters) if you feel so inclined.

Speaking of mails, I still need to send you a mail in Spanish!!! Yaar! Been to busy!!! It will come, though! Since this year won't be involving any Spanish at all, I reckon I have to keep it up to date one way or another, so yeah, will send you such a mail when I get enough time on my hands. Be patient. It is a virtue, ya know. :)

YES, of course I'll pray for you! :D I pray for all of my friends every evening, so don't worry/fret/panic!

Abrazos (viva la lengua española!),

Kim said...

Elise, eg reise neste måned eg te AUS! Ja, AUS!! og besøker min kjære, wohoo! Fra der reiser vi direkte til BKK. crazy times... crazy times... Rock out in Oslo! God is with you, ALWAYS. love love love kimsta... btw GAAD! (klem på thai, riktignok ikke slik det blir skrevet, men slik uttaler du det hvertfall. So there).

Elise said...

Gaad back at'cha!!! :D

Fy søren så GØY at du skal reise til AUS!!! TAKE ME WITH YOU!!! (Nei, forresten, har ikke nok penger. Glem det!)

Håper du får en god reise og at du kommer til å "have a blast" (mangel på tilnærmet likt norskt uttrykk)!

God bless you always!!! You're in my prayers! Bon voyage!
