Thursday, August 24, 2006

So far so good. Almost.

Right. Things are starting to get better now. This has been the past few weeks:
  • (Optional) preliminary course at the uni to get a feel of how things work here.
  • Fretting about trying to get internet in flat to work, never realizing I had to pay semester fee and sign myself up to classes. Hard-headed moron (i.e. moi).
  • Signing up to classes that I already thought I was signed up to in the belief that I was ready to start right away. After all, my purpose here is to study, right? Well, my main purpose, at least...
  • Got internet after having paid fee (yey!) and consulting/pleading Samskipnaden i Oslo (SiO) to actually give it to me.
  • Eventually realized I had the wrong wire to connect to the internet.
  • Rushed over to the IT department to get wire.
  • Rushed back to flat to try it out.
  • FINALLY got internet (yey! + *happy dance* I've told you this before).
  • Relishing in surfing for the very first time in flat.
  • Waiting anxiously for results of my signing up for classes.
  • Found I'd gotten absolutely none of my preferred group tutoring options, yet schedule seemed fair enough.
  • Attended my first classes. All well so far.
  • Realized there was ONE group tutoring session missing, no trace of it either on the webpage of session, nor on StudentWeb.
  • Fretting exceedingly this time as well.
  • Sent mail to study counselor for English to get info on this.
  • Got mail back, telling me the time.
  • Found out it clashes with another subject.
  • Fretting even more this time, on the verge of sheer frustration. Almost.
  • Phonetics teacher in British English recommends me to consider taking American English instead, as that is my accent. Actually that group was my first priority on the session application, I explained, and added that I couldn't understand why I didn't get it.
  • Consulted counselor again, who told me what to do to switch sessions even though all sessions at this time were overbooked (and still are) and adding that I'd get a reply "in a couple of days".
  • Sent in application.
  • Am waiting for reply.

Fretting? Poor little innocent me? Never.

Except this once. All this unncessary frustration would be avoidable if I'd gotten all the information I'd need at the very beginning. Here, however, people seem to have a sad tendency of being wishy-washy. Call me high-maintenance if you will, but I'd prefer infinitely more to get the right information, all of the information (and nothing but the information?) right away.

But who am I kidding? There are people whose schedules are far worse than mine, where everything clashes. Or where they just haven't gotten the information they need straight away (like my flatmate). V. bad. V. bad indeed.

Otherwise, things are going quite well here, I dare say. Getting used to live in this place. I'm actually not as homesick as I thought I'd be, which is good, 'cause it gives me the time to focus on the more essential things here. Like for instance getting everything I need to work, i.e. internet and classes.

Anyway, this will be all for now. Don't really want to write anymore at the moment.

Feeling hungry in Oslo,



John Paul Sonnen said...

cogito ergo sum (pro vita)! hallo, it's nice to meet you! once i met a catholic lady from norway at the basilica of san clemente in rome; she was so nice! best wishes and keep in touch!

Elise said...

fHey! Dude, thanks for leaving a comment! Hope you're doing fine in Rome!!! Such an excellent city! The center of the Catholic community - which happens to have the best ice cream in the world! Coincidence? I think not.

Keep on blogging! I check yours for new entries all the time!

Take care, and God bless!
