Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I guess the last post was yet another perfect example of blogstipation, eh? Oh no! Not again! Make it stop!!!!

I blame the non-existent internet connection in my flat for the past two weeks. I deeply apologize if the last blog entry is too long to read. Just skip it and move on to this one instead if you feel like it!

Regards to all!!!!

Walking on sunshine the rest of the week due to long-awaited internet connection which has finally arrived to my flat (ok, this was a long one),


Kim said...

having fun in oslo?:-) God bless elise kristin! xoxo kimie

Karina said...


Sorry at eg ikkje svarte på spørsmålet ditt då!! E ikkje alltid heilt me i verden!!!

Det går kjempe fint me meg!!! Eg har nettopp flytta inn i heilt nye leilighet og sga bjunna på skulen på mandag!!! Sga gå på akvakultur!!! Glede meg kjempe masse te de!!!!!

Håpe du får det fint i oslo då =)

Elise said...

Hiyah Kimster!!! :-D

Yeah, am having a blast so far!!! Really nice to have a territory of one's own! This here flat's my turf! MY turf!!! So there. ;-)

Still missing all of my friends at home (including YOU! But that just goes without saying, dunnit?), though... and my parents, of course... *sob* Ah well, 'tis just a phase. :-)

Hope you're alright at home! Chillin' and workin' like heck! ;-) Enjoy the rest of your wonderfully long and immensely fantastic break before heading back to Thailand!

May the Lord continue to bestow more of His gifts upon you! :-D Good luck!!!


Elise said...

Halla, Karina!!!

Så bra at dæ går bra!!! Grattis mæ nye leilighed!!! :-D He både du å tyben din flytta inn dær elle æ dæ jedna bara dæg? Koss æ den leiligheden, egentle?

Akvakultur!!! Hørtes grævlikt profft ud! Lykke te!!! :-D


Inger E said...

Hei Ek!!!
Skrive på norsk æg, æ d greit?
Æg va imponerte øve at du skreiv om mæg i bloggen! Kun en lidfe rettelse, å dæ æ at æg ikkje jobbe i kaffeen mest, men i en aen butikk, å litt rundt forbi...
Uansett må me treffast snart!!!

Elise said...


Heh, sorri, Inger. Visste ikkje at du hadde andre jobba i tillegg... Hadde nå jaffal delvis rett, å dæ æ en ganske store prestasjon fårr min del! Teflonhjerne, vettu... ;-)

Håbe du he dæ jilt dær du helle te! Snakkes vel snart, antar æg!
