Thursday, November 23, 2006

Blog hiatus.

Wow. Talk about blog abstinence. Haven't written anything since last Saturday. Dude. Duuuude.

Almost scary, that.

Anywho, I have come to the conclusion that I have to focus a bit more on my inevitable and dare I say dreaded exams, so my apologies for not posting much these next couple of weeks. :-( As these are my very first exams here at uni, I just want to make sure that everything is right. But there's always Msn.

So, any news? Nah, not really. Just the same trivialities as usual. Besides exams, I find (again) that I miss my beloved darling piano. My precioussssss... No other musical instrument can ever replace it, I tell you! (Except for real pianos, but that's another story.) Guitars, tin whistles, recorders, drums, maracas, you name it - they can't substitute pianos. They're all nice, but they can't substitute the real thing.

Meanwhile, I'm in the process of ordering tickets home. I.e. I haven't gotten around to actually ordering, but I'm planning on heading home at around... err... date... *flicking through calendar*... Dec. 17. In case y'all are interested. Unless the date of my final exam is earlier that week, so I could go home earlier. *keeping fingers crossed* Hopefully we'll get to know the date tomorrow. Hopefully.

Ugh, gray and dreary outside. It's been raining here all week, apart from the sun peeking through the clouds earlier today for about half-an-hour. Very uninspiring weather. Can be nice when in the wilderness, but in the city it's just depressing. Don't feel like studying at all. But I have to.

Sometimes I wish I were a bird, so I wouldn't have to have to take exams. Sounds silly, I know, but we humans have really made life complex compared to the (other) animals. We have to go through school to get a job in order to get food on the table, while other animals just take whatever food they can get. Of course it may be more difficult for birds to get hold of food, but they still don't need to take exams!

I'm not making much sense, am I? I'll stop this yapping now and get on with studying. *sigh*

Stay tuned for more absurd randomness. Eventually.



Sminkedukkene said...

We're heading home roughly the same day then, but you're taking the train..*snort, points and laughs*...sorry.

Guess where I was today by the way!? Um..I probably shouldn't so cheery about it, but I do feel a bit cheery about it in a way.

Elise said...

Hehee... ok, stop it, it's getting lame. :-P With trains you won't have to deal with slippery runways and/or endless waiting at airport BECAUSE OF slippery runway, and besides the fact that it takes a while longer to get home, it's cheaper. So you save a couple of hundred kroners that I can spend on something else. So there! HAH!

Guess where you were today? Hrm... *gasp* You weren't at Deli deLuca's to buy jellybeans, were you??? (Sudden craving for jellybeans.) Or... err... Ihavenoclue... Maybe that there cheerfulness was a hint to something. Or was it? Huh? What?

IDUNNO!!! Enlighten meeee! ;-)

Peachy keen, jellybean,

Sminkedukkene said...

I was at the hospital actually. I'm going to remove my tonsils, so I was there for a bit of a check up and they took blood samples and stuff.

It's not before in January though. Apparantly it's going to be the worst pain I've ever experienced. It's kinda funny because when I called my mom about it and told her she was like: Well that's not very suprising considering you've never experienced much pain before. *laughs* Which was exactly what I thought when the doctors told me. I'm truly my mothers daughter.

Elise said...

Humph. So much for them jellybeans.

January, eh? Well, you've got a bit of time to prepare yourself. I mean with heaps of ice cream, candy and all the good stuff in the world! Never experienced pain, you say? Well, pain is such a relative thing, innit...? Depends on how you look at it.

But why the cheeriness? Like, "I'm going to have my tonsils taken out in January and it's gonna hurt like heck. Yeeey!"? Uh... õ.O

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck when the time comes! I've got a feeling you're gonna need it!

Jellybeans, Twinkies and Oreos,