Friday, November 03, 2006

¡Hola todos!

Wow, two days since last post. That's very unusual indeed. :-P Been busy these past days. Well, not busy "busy", but you know... busy. (o.O) *bad at explaining*

I must say, this week has been a really strange week. I've been subjected to an academic dry-spell; i.e. I couldn't be bothered reading/taking notes at all, and rather do something else. Even doing the dishes and cleaning my room sounded more alluring. Just one of those weeks, I guess.

Went shopping (again) with Sara yesterday. Feel more prepared in facing wintertime now. Much more so. Especially with jellybeans. Mmm... Jellybeans... (Reminds me of Homer Simpson who once said: "Mmm... Something..." *lol*)

Ok. Enough of that. Here's a pic from one of the stained-glass windows of the Cathedral of La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Of course there's so much more to see in the church than that, but this was particularly gorgeous:

The church in itself won't be completed until about 20 years from now, since it's funding is only from public donations, but the things that can are completed so far are truly beautiful.

And just to add a pic of the exterior as well (from February this year)...:

It may look somewhat strange at first, but there is heaps of naturalistic details (given there's something called naturalism in the first place) both inside and outside the cathedral itself. Gaudí truly was a genious.

Next challenge: Grab a cuppatea (alternatively "cuppa tea")!

¡Abrazos/pañales a todos! :-P

A la próxima vez,


Monsoon said...

Wow. Stunning, truly beautiful. I must go there some day. I really do.

I hope you are well and happy over there in Oslo.

I am ok.

Chupa chups

Monsoon :-)

Elise said...

Believe me, it is! Yes, go to Barcelona! It's absolutely gorgeous there! Come to think of it, the stained-glass window kinda reminds me of a human rib cage, but it's still awesome! I highly recommend you go there.

I'm fine. Good you're ok (at least). Hope you'll do better after a while. Be strong! :-)

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, etc.,

Oh, btw.: Have added a question at Just look for one that says something like "Addressed to Ms. Mary Bennet". Dunno if someone's answered it, but thought I'd give it a shot. ;-)

Elise said...

Hrmf. It's not even there. Some impertinent twit must have deleted it. The nerve of some people!!! *growl*

Anonymous said...

hei!! tenkte jeg skulle slenge innom med en kommentar siden jeg først er her:-) Håper du har det fint i storbyen og ikke savner stanken fra Jæren altfor mye:-P
Mange klemser fra det glade sørland:-)

Elise said...

Halla, cuz! :-D Yey! Du kommenterte! *happy dance* Takk! Exceedingly obliged! Joda, går bare greit her borte. Så greit som det går an, i alle fall. ;-)

Savner stanken fra Jæren? Hele tiden, I tell you!!! Eksosen er ikke helt det samme. :-P (Selv om det ikke stinker så utrolig mye der for øyeblikket.)

Håper du har det fantastisk gøy på HiAaaaaaaaa! (Banzaiiii!) Håper også at vi møtes igjen snart!

Mange klemser fra det eksosfylte østland! (Har ikke helt den samme virkningen, hva?)
