Saturday, November 25, 2006

I'll be hooome for Christmas...

There. Done. All that's needed now is snow.

Finally got around to order tickets home, despite me not being able to get my last exam date yet. So now it's decided. I'm going home on Dec. 17. Definitely. Unless something highly unexpected happens. Which I doubt. Anyway, that's all for today. At least for now. Will now fret over other less trivial things. Like exams. *Theme from "Jaws" in head* For those of you who are studying like heck (I hope...): best wishes and positive motivational vibes from Oslo!

God bless,

And there she goes.


Sminkedukkene said...

There she goes
there she goes again
Racing through my brain
and I just can't contain
this feeling that remains.

Elise said...

The La's... Awesome song...
:-) Need to get hold of that one. As with many other songs.

Have had "Reven på hønsejakt" in my head these last few days. Of all songs. Reason: YouTube. Big surprise. :-P

See ya on Monday! Have a great weekend!


Elise said...

"99 Luftballons"! Very 80's, but one of those songs just made for headbanging. Just like those songs from Blondie and Queen. Love 'em all!

Saraaaa! Bob Dylan's made you a gorgeous soooooong! :-P

Oh yeah, and the vid for the La's is on YouTube! *happy dance* Not that it's that good, though. 'Cause it's not. But at least the song is there. Which is good enough.

And there she went. There she went again...

Anonymous said...

Here's a song with Elise.. ;)

Monsoon said...

Can't wait till you come home. Hope we can meet up one of the days.

Best of luck on all your exams, I am sure you will be fine.

In my prayers.

Huggies, snapple and ketchup


Elise said...

Wow. There actually is a song besides "Für Elise" with my name in it. Thanks, Eva! :-)

Eilen, thanks for the comforting comment. :-D I hope I'll do okay on them. Pass, at least, but wouldn't say no to a higher grade either... Praying for you to get an awesome grade for YOUR exam (which you're already done with), which I'm sure you're gonna get. Positive. No, really, I am.

Libero, smog and carrots,