Monday, November 06, 2006

Not exactly a manic Monday...

Listening to James Morrison (has been that way these past 10 days or so). Teacup on left side of computer, and I've just missed the news on TV2. Timing is of the essence, innit?

Finally got webcam working yesterday (thanks, Ole! Great to see you on the other end!). It wasn't my computer!!! For once it's not my fault! :-P Got me really annoyed there.

Got a feeling this week is going to be slightly better than last week, since it seemed to be practically saturated with blond moments. No offense to my blond friends... :-S At least you guys have an excuse. And to top the whole week off I actually told one of my blond friends during Phonetics (last class on Friday) that that week was "a blond week", as I so articulately expressed it. *cringe* After I'd realized what I'd said - and to whom I'd said it - I literally felt like digging a hole. Luckily she didn't take it the wrong way... Am cursed with such behavior, as it seems as if I blurt out whatever is in my head at the moment. Doesn't happen always, but still... Note to self: Think before you speak. Yaaaar... :-P

Hm. Read something interesting in my ex.fac. book today, which I found kind of contradictory to my idea of male-male conversations, female-female conversations and male-female conversations. Can't be bothered to translate this into English, so for all you English-speaking readers (I know you're out there even though you don't POST ANY COMMENTS! *subtle hint*)... tough luck. And I quote:

Det har for eksempel vist seg at i samtaler mellom kvinner og menn dominerer mennene samtalene på ulike måter: De snakker mer enn kvinnene gjør, de avbryter samtalepartnerens turer oftere enn det kvinnene gjør, og de styrer emnevalget i samtalen i sterkere grad enn kvinnene gjør. (...)

I dunno what to think about this. Do men really talk more than women? 'Cause I thought it was the opposite... :-S Then again, it does depend on the topic discussed, doesn't it? What do you think? I'm all ears (or should it be eyes?) to any agreements/disagreements to this statement!

Lukewarm tea. Only less than a month 'till final exams. Getting slightly worried, as I haven't really started studying for them yet. Mostly due to final semester papers that are to be turned in within these next couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, my Mom's coming over to visit me this weekend! *happy dance* It's been ages since I've seen her! Last time I came home, she was on a trip to the Philippines, so I only got the chance to talk to her on the phone (hardly even that, as the connection was rather bad at the time). Lately it's only been phone calls and text messages, so I'm really looking forward to actually seeing her again! I'm also looking forward to use her wallet for a change, but that's another story... ;-) I won't go into further details on that!

And off I go...

Huggies, q-tips and handkerchiefs,

Ps.: Viking outsmarted Brann. *smirk*


Sminkedukkene said...

*evil grin* My little kinder egg!

Elise said...

Kinder egg...? Hang on, wait a sec...

*thinks hard*

*rotfl* Hahaha! XD Took me a while to get it, but thanks, Sara, that was extremely uplifting!

Apparently a blonde at heart (in denial, though), a.k.a. a kinder egg... :-S,

Ps.: Happy studying! (Otherwise known as "Girl, you better watch your back on Friday!" *kidding*)

Anonymous said...

I disagree with that statement.
I can talk more than any man who has ever set foot on this planet. Just give me four cups of coffee and keep me awake for a couple of days straight :)


Elise said...

Hahaha! XD Yeah, I am sure that you'll be able to do that! I believe you! It would be fun to see you try that some time! (Just a suggestion...)

And yes, I completely agree with you! Your abilities to converse surpass that of most people; I can vouch for that!

Have a nice homework-filled weekend! ;-)


Elise said...

Dunno why those authors even thought about including that statement in the book. It's probably one of those mysteries that will be left unanswered.

Unless we ask our lecturer, of course.


Anonymous said...

Well, you know what they say; "you can't fight nature!" -- is that what they say? I forget. You know, with my attention span...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I won't do it any time soon, what with exams closing in and all. I do feel like the living dead some days though, and I constantly surprise myself when I find out that I _still_ talk more than your average person on speed.
