Monday, November 13, 2006


Haven't done anything from when I got home from uni today and up to now. Had planned on typing up the infamous Phonetics Assignment just to get it out of the way, make a study schedule for the weeks ahead up to and including the days of my exams AND catch up on some notes and reading. But NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I absolutely HAD to check out blogs. I definitely HAD to write and answer comments. I HAD to type up a new post.

Mom's visit was awesome! And that wasn't (only) because of the extra wallet I had in the vicinity... :-P I hadn't seen her for what seems to be ages! What's strange is that I never really realized how much I missed her before I actually saw her. *Aww* And then I realized that Father's Day was yesterday, and then I missed my Dad as well! *Aww (#2)* Sent him an e-card, but that's not really the same as being at home myself, buying flowers to put in the living room and giving him a real card and a great big hug... Ugh, getting all mooshy now... Again... :-S

But I'm going home in a few weeks' time now, so there aren't any worries there. The only thing I still keep on worrying about are my exams. The repugnantly inevitable exams. (Oooh. Big words. :-P) The thought of it just seems to come back time and time again, dunnit...?

Ergo, I should do something about it. Preferably start doing the things I'm supposed to do right now. Preferably.

Don't really want to, but should. Argh. Conscience.

But just to end this off, I wrote something on the message board of, which I actually got a reply on! :-D If you're interested in what this is, log onto and click on the message board link called "Lady Catherine & co.". Then look for an entry called "My dear Lady Catherine!" written by "Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced "Bouquet")". That's my entry. *giggle* Think Hyacinth and Lady Catherine would get along quite well if they got the chance to meet! ;-)

Chutzpah (see entry on Yiddish terms further down on page),


Monsoon said...

EXAMS! Yikes! I do know how you feel, as I am in the middle of my home exam. Well, to be honest I am almost finished with it, and it isn't due till Thursday. So I am pleased with myself. Do hope I will pass, which is my goal. Of course I'd love a good grade, but as this is my first go; I don't think that is possible.

Best of luck to you love!

Glad you had a wonderful time with your mum. I remember how that felt from when I lived In Oslo and Ireland. Aawwh...

And let's not forget you entry on Pemberly. Loved it!

Shampoo, laxatives and butter


Elise said...

Oh, in the middle of exams? Yaaaaaaargh... Well, at least you're in the middle of it already. I haven't even started mine yet... Go you! Almost done! Woohoo! I'm sure you'll do just fine. You're smart! You can do this!

Aw yeah, Mom's visit was great! :-D Won't be long 'till I'm home again now! Just need to get these blasted exams done first. Aaand buy train tickets. Aaaaargh...

Dunno if I managed to capture the very essence of Hyacinth Bucket/Bouquet in that entry, but just thought I'd try writing something there, since many of the entries are... let's just say creative, yeah? ;)

Holy Grails, food-troughs and "silly English knnnnnniggets" (Monty Python!),
