Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Vooooooooooolare... :-P

Head feels like it's filled with lead. James Morrison! Stat!

There we go. Much better. :-P

Home again from Grammar seminar straight after 2 consecutive hours talking/discussing/ranting (no, not really...) with a few friends about Grammar assignment due today. Yaaar... Happy I finished it last weekend, as there was a bit of tension with some of the other gals at the final moments before class. I can understand them, though. It was pretty hard. I really struggled with that one. Took me the whole weekend to get it done. But now that everybody's done with it (at least most of them) and it's been handed in, we all let out a huge collective sigh of relief. Oh yeah. We did it. Now only one to go. Guess I've got the whole of tomorrow planned out. *sigh*

Then there's Mom's visit... then exam prep (i.e. learning all of the stuff by heart and understanding the whole shebang)... then... exams... Nope, still worried. And the worst ones are, of course, first: ExFac and Grammar. In that order. Those are the heaviest subjects on my course.

There are some things that even James Morrison's songs can't help with. And this is one of them. *sigh* (#2)
Sorry about this, but I just had to let out some frustration somehow. But it's going to improve during the evening. This is just a temporary glitch; it'll pass. It always does. In fact, after only 10 minutes after writing I'm actually starting to feel better. I'm good. I'm fine. No worries. Well, some, but not many. :-)

Aplomb, thy name is definitely not Elise. Gotta love the word, though. Aplomb... Mmm... Dental fillings... Indeed.

Speaking of strange/interesting words, I've developed a passion for Yiddish words, or words that originate from Yiddish. Take for instance: Glitch (a defect/malfunction/problem), chutzpah (insolence/nerve/audacity) and schmuck (a jerk). Hehe. Fun. And what's even more intriguing is that many of these words are related with Hebrew (obv.), German, Polish and Arabic words! Just like shmutz (dirt) gelt (money) and genuk (enough). This is so fascinating! :-D

(Mind you, that was the language nerd in me that was writing there.)

And off to new challenges (i.e. TV? Dinner? Both? Yeah, why not?)!

A gezunt af dein kop! ("Health on your head!"; Yiddish blessing)


Monsoon said...

Voooooooooooolare a ti también!


you are extremely allowed to let some steam out. No worries. I do it all the frickin time. Though today I've written a little about the Holocaust, again...

As for Yiddish; there is a reason why I love the sit-com "The Nanny" so much. They are jewish and use words liek that like there's no tomorow. SO FUNNY! The word for arse is toches, which is my favourite. I too adore yiddish!!

And just so you know it; nerds; we like'em... Talk nerdy to me, eh!?

Love, crisps, custard and brussels sprouts.


Elise said...

Ay caramba! Gracias, mi amiga buena! Pero creo que "volare" es una palabra italiana... No?

Heh, Holocaust, you say? Well, it was a scary and tragic, yet important time in history, so I can't blame you.

"The Nanny"! Yes, gotta love Fran Drescher! She's perfect for the part! And her mother! *giggle*

"Mooooooooooooorty! You want another Mallow Mar?!"

"Moooooooooooooooorty! We're gonna be movin' to the Upper East Siiiiiiide!"

"Talk nerdy to me"? *giggle* Me too! At least nerdiness is better than sheer stupidity/shallowness, agree? :-P

Jellybeans, Oreos, carrots and... err... staplers (first thing I laid my eyes on at the time),