Sunday, December 10, 2006

2nd Sunday of Advent.

Så tenner vi to lys i kveld,
To lys for håp og glede.
De står og skinner for seg selv,
Og oss som er til stede.
Så tenner vi to lys i kveld,
To lys for håp og glede.

* * * * * * *

There. 2nd Sunday of Advent, and still the masses in the convent are in French. Interesting and poetic language, but still don't get squat of what he's saying. But it was translated, though, which was good.

Oops, wrote that first stanza of this poem kinda wrong. Didn't notice that until now when I actuall googled it... And then it was corrected. And she saw that it was good. :-)

Off to stuuuuuuuudyyyyy for my FINAL semester final!

Good luck to you all! (Almost wrote "lick" there! Haha! "Good lick to you all!" Ok, that was silly.)

Jingle bells,


Monsoon said...

Sorry I haven't been commenting altely. I have been far into *I- can't-believe-I-got-an-A-on-my exam-land*. totally and insanely weird feeling, not expected at all!

I am sending you all sorts of good vibrations for your final exam. No wonder you long home, it is after all soon Christmas, only the best time of the year!

Love, and marzipan from me _ Eilen

Elise said...


Sara, I can relate. :-D That's what I'm feeling right now. I'd do a happy dance and behave oddly in general, but somehow don't think my roommate would regard me in the same way after that. Besides, she's studying as well, so I doubt it's in my place to behave like a complete moron. At least not here.

Monsooooooooon! Hehe, I can imagine! I don't blame you for not commenting! No need to apologize! C'mon, you got a friggin' AWESOME grade! And yes, I can't wait to come home and see my parents and friends again! Gaaah! It's gonna be awesome! (Notice my new buzzword: "Awesome" Be glad it wasn't "totally rad"...)

Thanks for all the vibes! I think they did the trick! ;-)

Relieved diapers,