Friday, December 08, 2006


Can't blame you if you find the last post daunting... Blogstipation. ;-)


Anonymous said...

*grins* Had a small writing-spree myself today, so no, didn't find your post daunting at all.. :)

Elise said...

Hehe, I could see that from your blog! ;-) Seems as if you had a bit of a case of blogstipation as well, eh?

Sometimes you just feel like writing, don'tcha? You just get one of those kicks...

Gotta get myself a MySpace profile as well, so that I can comment on your blog! :-D

Anonymous said...

Hehe, I feel like writing now and then, and when I write I always loose track of time, so when I finally finish up I realise that I have written page after page after page.. :P
But, I tend to prefer using pictures to blog with, and writing comments for my pics.. :)
Should really start writing more myself though.. It's nice to read your blog.. :)

Yeah, I have my oral exam on Monday, so I'll be at school then, and also on Wednesday, because I volunteered to participate in some trials there.. :)
When are you going to be at school then? :)
Oh, and yes! You need to get a MySpace account..! I'm having trouble posting comments here sometimes, because the image of the 'word verification' won't show sometimes.. *blah* Besides, I'm always looking around to see if I see anyone I know on MySpace, since it's easy for me to keep track of people there.. :)

Elise said...

Eva: Hehe, you and me both! :-) :-D I find it therapeutic to write. I mean, I find I sometimes use this blog to vent out my frustrations, etc. Though to a certain degree. There are certain things I don't consider fit to be posted on this blog. Stuff that's too personal to be posted. But yeah, I can relate to what you're saying. Suddenly you end up writing tons of stuff when you originally intended it to be about 10 lines or something. :-P But it's fun to write! Oh, and thanks! Good that you find this schtuff entertaining!

Hm, will be at school on Tuesday, at the very least, 'cause that's the day of my FINAL exam. *yey* And about that trial stuff you were writing about, was that the thing that was on the handout we got after yesterday's exam? Hehe, I'm not terribly surprised that you decided to participate on something like that! Would like to do that myself, but I figure shopping Christmas/birthday presents at Karl Johan should be prioritized. Just because I need to give gifts to aunt, uncle and cuz here in Oslo. Figured I might just as well buy them while I'm still here. Anyway, you didn't need to know that. Redundant information. Mmm... redundant... big word... :-P

And about that word verification thing... You are most DEFINITELY not alone! Will see if I can get myself a MySpace account in the not-too-distant future.

Have a great weekend! Study hard, but remember to chill a bit as well! :-D

Sara: Dead? You're not dead. You're just... mentally misplaced. (Uh, what?) :-S Sushi? YES, PLEASE! :-D Hm, haven't really thought that far ahead, but I'm free on Wed. and perhaps also Thurs., depending on when my cuzin's party's gonna be. I reckon it's in the afternoon sometime, so before that would be fine as well. Of course, I'm planning on a shopping spree on Wed as it is; you know, just so I can buy my cuz, aunt and uncle some prezzies as well... So I guess Wed would be more convenient. But it depends on you, though! (As well as the others. Haven't really gotten around to ask them yet...)

Heh, while we're on the topic of sushi, I had major, maaaaaajor sushi cravings the night before our Translation exam! Haha! I think it was because we'd talked about sushi after our first exam. Yeah, that was probably it. Wouldn't be surprised if I had sushi cravings tonight as well! *lol*

Anyway, have a great weekend, study hard and remember to chill.

Make sushi, not war,

Ps.: Man, this comment was long.

Elise said...

Crap. There you go. Sushi cravings galore. :-S

Anonymous said...

*whines* I wanna be rich, so I can have sushi as weeeeeell!!! *sniffles*

I'm not sure about how good I am at using the therapeutic advantages of blogging myself.. I'm much better with writing emails and notes to people, so I have something to respond to.. :) But, am trying to learn the fine art of blogging.. :P *grins*

When on Tuesday is it your time for torture then? ;)

Handouts? I didn't get any handouts.. I just noticed a note on one of the school's pages.. :) Some testing with how the brain works or instincts respond when people are translating things, or something like that.. :P :)

*laughs* I don't think that kind of 'redundant' information is that bad.. *grins* Just as long as you don't give me other, worse or more intimate info, I'm quite happy.. That is, happy in my ignorance.. ;)

Ah, so I'm not the only one who's having trouble with that word verification tingy?? It was bloody annoying yesterday, when it took me hours before it finally showed up again! (Now, I didn't sit the whole time pressing the "reload page" button, but I did try for 3 or 4 times each time I came back to give it a new try..)

You can blog on MySpace as well! :D Just to copy and paste! ;) *big smile*

Well, I'd better get going.. Going to have my brother and his family on a visit today.. :) Will be good to see them again..

And, yeah... about loooong reply's... *clears throat and whistles innocently*

Will do my best to combine rest and studies! :)

Anonymous said...

ps. Prøvde å lage meg en sånn venne-test ting.. Lyst til å prøve??

Elise said...

Heeh, not that we're that rich... :-S It's just to celebrate. But you're welcome to join us, by all means. That goes for the rest of my friends over here who read my blog regularly! :-D We haven't really decided when we're gonna have this infamous sushi dinner, but you know, the more the merrier!

And as for blogging, from what I can see you've definitely gotten the hang of it. Heck, just blabber on about anything and everything, and there you have it; you've mastered the art of blogging. Black belt and then some. :-) But yeah, I gotta agree with you, emails are more personal than blogs, and even more so for notes. I have to admit that letters and notes are more meaningful than emails and blogs, 'cause that means that they've actually taken the time to sit down and scribble down something to ya. Of course, that goes for emails as well, but... I dunno, I just like getting letters and cards, that's all!

Um, my time on Tues (a.k.a. Judgement Day) is 12:15. Kinda freaky combination; you know, 12/12 at 12(:15)... Coincidence? Hmm... ;-)

I could swear we got a handout about that experiment thingy. Remember after our exam we stood outside the library/study hall and talked and then suddenly this lady comes up to us and gives us this handout with info on that translation/brain thingy. Ring a bell? Or was I with someone else? :-S Kinda vague on that... I might just be imagining things... :-P

Heh, yeah, I'll spare you for the more crazy details of my life. :-) Not that my life is filled with crazy stuff; it's just that certain opinions about things don't really fit into this blog.

Hm, blog on MySpace? Idunno. I've gotten pretty used to blogspot now, so I'm not sure if I'm gonna do that. I've got a hunch that cutting and pasting all the time's gonna annoy me after a while and then I'll delete the whole blog. Nah, I'll just get myself a profile on it so I can comment on people's blogs and leave it at that. :-) (Feeling like a real party-pooper now... :-P)

Enjoy your visit and have an awesome afternoon/evening (it's practically evening now, as it's dark as heck outside...)

See yah!

Ps.: Hm, vennetest-ting? Høh? Njah, kan da vel prøve, jeg... :-P

Elise said...

Pps: sometimes ignorance is bliss... :-P

Anonymous said...

Um... would I be very rude and intruding if I joined in on the sushi thing??? You see, my brother had managed to sell my rims, so I'm temporarely rich now..

Maybe you got that handout after I left?? Anyways, I signed up for that trials-thing for well over a week ago.. :)

Okay then, I won't 'force' you to blog on MySpace.. *grins* Besides, I can still leave comments and stuff there as well.. :P :)