Tuesday, December 12, 2006

*relieved sigh*

NOW I'm happy! :-D

Just so utterly undescribably relieved to be done with all my exams. ALL of my exams! ALL OF THEM!!! Bet those who are done with their exams can relate to the giddy feeling I've got in my gut right now!

Phonetics exam didn't actually turn out as bad as I feared it would. The teachers were really patient and helpful (and dare I say somewhat nonchalant?), which I was so thankful for, since I was nervous like heck. I'm just so glad it's done now.

And to all of those who aren't quite done yet: All the best of luck! :-) Y'all can do this!

Next challenge: Gift shopping and sushi dinner (mmm... sushi... Need I say more?) and some quality time with aunt, uncle, cuz and not to mention friends.

Happy girl (i.e. NOT worried!) behind computer screen,


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the delightful sense of freedom and holiday-spirits!! :D
"Glaaaadeee juuuul, helligeeee juuuul, eeeengler daaaaaler neeeeed i skjuuuuuul... dumdidum.." :P ;) Hehe..

Elise said...

Haha! Yeah, I've got to admit that's a wonderful combo! :-D

"Jeg eeeeeeer så glaaaaaa' hver juuuuuuuuulekveld, for daaaaaaa ble Jeeeeeeeeesus føøøøøøøøøøøøødt!"


Anonymous said...

"Iiiii'm dreamiiiing of a whiiiiite Christmaaaaaassss, with every Christmas card I wriiiiiteeee.. May your days be merryyy and briiiiiiight, and may aaall your Christmases be whiiiiiiiteeee!!"

Monsoon said...

Dearest Elise!

Congratulations soooooo much on finishing all four exams. You go girl!! I bet you have done brilliantly on all of them. Now all I can do is to join the choir of Christmas carrols and sing one of my of favourite songs for Christmas, which is "Himlen i min favn" with Carola. I love that song!

I hope to see you when you come home!!

Enjoy the sushi, and the extremely fantabulous feeling of relief now it's all over!

Lovey dovey with some saffron to go


Elise said...

Eva: What else can I say but "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Eilen: Thanks! :-) Hope you're right. Haven't gotten the grades yet, but I hope they'll turn out ok. My main goal is to pass, that's all. If I get a better grade... Well, let's just say I won't complain... ;-)
