Monday, February 19, 2007


Awright, check this one out:

"The only means of strengthening one's intellect is to make up one's mind about nothing - to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts..." - John Keats

Beautiful, isn't it? Somewhat philosophical, even... Anyway. That's all there is to say at the moment. Stumbled over this excellent quote on Fronter a few minutes ago, and thought I'd share it with y'all.

Happy Monday (or should it be "manic Monday" instead? Correct me if I'm wrong...)!



Unknown said...

Imagination is intelligence with an erection.
- Victor Hugo

Elise said...

Oh, how clever. :-P

It's an established fact, then; Victor Hugo had a dirty mind... ;-)

Elise said...

Hm, I guess that's true. Even people who you'd never thought have a dirty mind may even come up with some seriously pervy thoughts. Which is sometimes strange to observe.

*trying to fight against image of professors having dirty minds* :-S

I think I'll just gently push that thought away...

Unknown said...

Ah, finally people get it! :-D Nothing wrong with a bit of "un-clean" thoughts! *grins wickedly*
...Elise da... fantasere om 'professor'n' da gitt.. Trodde det var jobben til Sara jeg.. ;-) *hihi*

Sminkedukkene said...

What can I say I just can't help but feel the urge to rub his bald head....:D And but little raisins all over and nibble them off. *cackles*

Unknown said...

*YEEUUUW!* Waaay too much information!! *desperately tries to banish the mental images*

Elise said...

Ole <3 ;-): Hm. "Dirty" equals "normal", but exceeds "polite"? Sounds good to me. *nods in agreement*

And yes, there is a significant minority of people who might be considered as pervy - some of them even being of my acquaintance. Well, them perhaps not being entirely pervy, but at least showing tendencies to perviness. I mean perverseness. Perversity? :-S You get my drift.

Eva: I didn't say that "unclean thoughts" are wrong! Fantasere om professorer? Nei, den der tar Sara ennå seg av, az. Overlater alt det der til henne... Og hvorfor i alle dager skal jeg fantasere om professorer når jeg har andre (og bedre, vel å merke) ting å ta meg av???

And to switch back to English again to reply to that final comment: I couldn't agree more. Too much information there.

Sara: *lol* RAISINS?!?!? What's so special about raisins?! If you'd mentioned whipped cream or something I'd understand it a little bit more. Not completely, but more. But hey, whatever turns you on... :-S

I will resist the temptation of reprimanding you for your exceedingly strange taste in the opposite sex, but I will say this: Yukk. You're sick. (:-P)

If further elaboration is needed on this subject, I am available on Thursday during Brit. Lit.

Sminkedukkene said...

Well the whole raisin thing started off in Eva's blog. Lets just say there was raisins and a bathtub... I won't elaborate. It was the one food substance that seemed the least sexy. :D

Unknown said...

*iiik* Hey, don't mix me up with the raisins! *laughs* ;-P ...litterally...

Elise said...

Ole <3: CRAP! My fault for not looking at my blog in time! Can picture Sara now, tossing raisins towards the professor... Well, perhaps the ExFac professor instead (that's where it all began, you see). Utterly pointless, but we like pointless stuff.

Sara: Yes, raisins have to be one of the least sexiest foodstuffs available (if there is such a thing as "sexy food"... this could arguably be considered as chocolate, oysters, and all the other afrodisiacs). I wonder if there are some people out there who regard raisins as a turn-on... Deranged, perhaps, but still a possibility...

Actually I'd rather not know.

Eva: THERE WE GO!!! Another pointless association! Let's not only think about Jonas Gahr Støre when we see diced bacon, neither about a former next-door neighbor when one thinks about the giraffe from "Portveien 2" (who btw had a striking resemblance to him, believe it or not), but let's think about raisins when seeing Eva! :-D Or not.

Elise said...

Oh, and by the way, I can't seem to find that part in either of your blogs (Sara or Eva's) where you discuss the mysterious topic of raisins in a bathtub. Maybe I haven't looked closely enough. Care to point me in the right direction, por favor? *deliberately flashing puppy dog eyes at you*

Oh! Oh! Oh! And another completely un-sexy food substance: Lapskaus.

Sminkedukkene said...

I don't can sort of rub lapskaus all over someone and eat/lick it off. Raisin are by nature hard to rub onto someone, and totally unsexy.

Well first you go to Eva's front page where there's music playing and stuff. Then you scroll down the page where you'll see an ever so lovely comment left behind by none other than moi. The comment to it is on my front page.

Elise said...

õ.O Rubbing lapskaus all over someone and eat/lick it off? Hm. I don't think so. That would in that case be the last resort if there is no whipped cream or any other similar alternative to it. Would you say that because raisins are hard to rub onto someone they are totally unsexy, though? I'm just curious.

Ooh. Thanks for the kind directions. Didn't think as far as the front page of her blog. It's just that when you mentioned "blog", I thought of her actual blog, i.e. I didn't think of her front page. Anyway, thanks! :-D I will hereby check it out.

Unknown said...

Yeah, it is perfectly natural to think of raisins when looking at me... *falls over laughing*
But I have to agree with Elise.. Laupskaus ain't that sexy... *wrinkles nose* About as sexy as traiding in the massage-oil with Tran, or rubbing on "prim".. *yuck*
But yeah, I sent a comment to Sara's MySpace-page, and she answered my comment with the raisin-thing.. *grins* So, you'll have to look at the comments, and not the actual blog.. =D

Elise said...

Yup, Eva, I got it! :-D Now I know where you guys got that from!

And to think that all this stemmed from one seemingly innocent quote by Keats... :-S *swallows hard* That's like, freaky, man...

Unknown said...

Yeah, have you ever had so many comments all at once before?? =)

Elise said...

Hm, perhaps not all at once, but I think I've had a similar amount before this one. And the past one, for that matter. Don't quote me on that.

Anyway, I'm off to Bedfordshire, UK. See ya! :-D *frolicks over to tempting book and frantically tries not to fantasize about raisins and lapskaus*

Oh, and one last thing: Rubbing either "prim" or castor oil all over someone doesn't sound alluring at all. I have to agree with you on that one! Ugh. (Crap, even more crazy images...)

Sminkedukkene said...

*giggles* Your boyfriend is a cross dresser. :D I'm starting to think my raisins aren't so bad after all. *triumphant glow*

Elise said...

Sara, you twit!!! "What is all this insolence! I would send you to gladiator school with such rotten behavior like that!" :-P I reckon this is the time wherein I should defend my darling!!! I challenge you to a duel (wherein my boyfriend will challenge you)! Or for that matter a catfight. *hiss*

Forgive her, for she knows not what she does...

Anonymous said...

*rolls around on the floor laughing*
This conversation facinates me! =D
My, my, the things I learn about people... *grins wickedly*
You'd better sell tickets to that catfight!! Will you be doing this in some mud-pool in costumes?? That would bring in money for sure!!

Anonymous said...

Oline:I'm very sorry, but I don't fight girls! I wouldn't want to cause the breaking of nails or the messing up of hairdos.

And next time Elise how about you don't send someone else to do your dirty work. :p

Elise said...

Eva: Yes, this is quite fascinating! And about that catfight, this is not meant for public display. *hiss* I actually thought about a mud-pool, but I quickly discarded it as I prefer more sophisticated fights. Perhaps a food fight would be more preferable? Consequently with the presence of raisins?

Sara: I'm THIS close to calling you an arse! :-P How dare you insult my boyfriend by tweaking his name and making him sound poof!!! "I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food-trough wiper!" I will defend myself (and Ole) with beaks and claws!!! (o.O)

Anonymous said...

Um... Are you two actually fighting over Ole?? The winner gets the guy?? *grins*
And I don't think the idea of you two having a food-fight will dis-encourage guys from wanting to buy tickets to watch, not after Fergies "Fergielicious".. ;-D

Elise said...

Eva: I am NOT intending to fight over him, as I already have him (HAH! Beat that!), and I'm not sharing him with anyone!!! (Except for family members and certain friends, of course, but that's something else!) So in conclusion, the winner's already GOT the guy! (Elise: Douze points.)

And as for the food fight, maybe that's not such a good idea after all. Better than mud-pool at least. More sophisticated... Especially when using gourmet food.(õ.O)

Ole: Yes, I do understand your reason for thinking that this conversation is quite weird. These are weird times. Heck, this blog is weird! :-P I have no clue how we ended up discussing these topics.

If this doesn't show randomness, I don't know what will! :-P