Monday, October 20, 2008

A very enlightening conversation of nothing of consequence, i.e. "Much Ado About Nothing".

An SMS conversation between me and a friend of mine (and these are actual unrevised quotes):


My dear Ms. J.,

I write to inquire about our encounter on this very day. As I am aware that your prior engagements may be tentative, I would be very much content with a short account of your whereabouts for the day. Furthermore, as I myself have somewhat imperative matters to deal with (including extensive reading), I also wish to inquire if it may be possible to shorten our meeting slightly.

Yours respectfully,
Ms. Elise of West Frontier Hall

When should I present myself to her ladyship? Will around six be a good time to call?

Ms. C. of See-Around Cottage

(followed by...)

It is now my intention to do some slight exercise for 30 or 20 minutes slightly past 4 o'clock this afternoon. After which I will engage in stretching for an extended period of time. If God be willing, I will arrive at your stately mansion at around 6 this afternoon, or if it suits your ladyship, I will postpone my engagements an hour, and arrive upon your doorstep at the good hour of 7 this evening.

Yours truly etc.
Ms. J. of See-Around Cottage


My dear Ms. C.,

After having had time to ponder upon the time in which I will yet again have the pleasure of enjoying your amiable company, I believe it will suffice to place our encounter upon the sixth hour if, God willing, your time of exercise will not prove to be a vexatious conflict to it. If so, please permit me to offer an olive branch by adding that you may arrive at my humble hall at any time in concordance with your schedule of events between the aforementioned hour (the sixth hour) and the subsequent (the seventh hour). I look exceedingly forward to the encounter, my dear friend!

Yours etc.,
Ms. Elise of West Frontier Hall

This is some of the most beautiful nonsense in which I've been able to partake. Stay tuned. There may be more.

Signing off (while undergoing a giggling fit),


david santos said...

Good work!
Excellent blog! Congratulations!!!

Elise said...

Thank you very much (although all of this was just a lot of words about very little)! :-D

david santos said...

Gracias por tus palabras y tu cariño. Hoy el mundo es terrible, pero tenemos que hacer todo para que sea un día más bueno para todos los niños.
Abrazos y un saludo.