Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I got in to Oslo! Weee! *Happy dance*

I feel I've been walking on sunshine these past couple of days, 'cause I just got an email from someone I haven't heard of in ages! That person and someone else. ;-) (That should ring a bell with at least one of the regular readers of this humble pink blog...) That just adds a little extra to my already happy feeling of getting into my first choice uni. A little delightful extra. Take that as you will.

Nah, well, I guess I feel psyched about going to Oslo to study. I said "I guess", 'cause there's a kind of downside to it as well; I'll be leaving the place that's been my home for the past... err... let's see, I'm 20 now... uh... math skills failing drastically... forgive me... AWW, SCREW IT!... 12 years! There! Got it. Finally. My home for 12 years... Now, where was I...? Yeah, I'll be leaving home for the first time since graduating from ISS (still miss it, btw!) and the infamous gap year, so that's going to be a major transition for me. I can imagine tons of phone calls home with me crying my eyes out and boo-hooing "I'm sick and tired of this place! I wanna go home! Take me home!", or words to that effect. But that's just a phase.

I reckon I'm going to have a blast there. It's just a matter of creating a network of contacts and friends, really. That shouldn't be much of a problem, really. I just have to filter out those who are genuinely serious about their studies and want to do their best from those who take the course just to have something to take.

It isn't long until I'll have to move there. The info meeting is on the 14th and I've signed myself up for a one-week preliminary study course just to get a taste of what uni life is like, meaning I'll probably be outta here within just a few days, really. Dude, time goes so fast it's almost scary...


PS.: Kirsti is the coolest cuz in the whole wide world! AND the world wide web! I'll stop here before this gets any worse...


Monsoon said...


Did ring a bell or two for me.. Yea!!! Happy for you girl! And mind you; you're gonna do just fine in Oslo. You are one kind, funny, conscientious and great girl. You go get them!

Lots of hugs and love and cheering

Eilen :-)

Karina said...

Heia =)

Ka du sga gå på for noge kjekt i Oslo då???
Lykke te vertfall :)

Karina !!

Elise said...

Hola, amiga!!!

Pues, no podía escribir tanto en este blog, porque no hay nada internet en mi apartamiento!!! Qué susto!!! Qué horrible!!! Good you took the hint! If the person I'm hinting to happened to browse over this page I doubt that person would even understand what and who I'm talking about. You know how they are, yeah?

Anyway, the very best of luck to you in your studies, and OF COURSE I'll pray for what's-her-name! You just have to ask! Take care, mujer! (Just for the sake of having a rhyme scheme, though slight...) *lol*


Elise said...

Heijah, Kelner! ;-)

Kæ æg ska i Oslo? Ska tebage på skulebenken! UiO... Skrekkblanna fryd... Ugh...

Koss går dæ mæ dæg????

Je enn klemm elle to te kattane! :-P


Karina said...

Heia =)

Pusekatten hilse t bage =)

Forsto du sko på skule!!! Ka du har tenkt å gå slags linja?? Eller ka fag du vil ta hette d kansje på enn sånnen fancy skule??


Elise said...


Kjæme te studera engelsk språg mæ spansk så støttefag. :-D Sorri æg ikkje konne svara tiligare, men internette verkte ikkje på hybelen 1 stonn... Måtte styra å virra ront åmkring fårr å få dæ te. Frustreranne, men nå æ dæ jort! :-D Nå he æg intarnett! Nå he æg intarnett! Nå he æg intarnett! Wiiihiii!

Men du svarte ennå ikkje på spørsmålet mitt... KOSS GÅR DÆ MÆ DÆG?!?!?!?!? :-D *lol* Kæffårnoge kult ska du halla på mæ te haosten? He sikkar spurt dæg åm dæ før, å he hailt sikkar finge svar, men du vett mæg... gullfiskhjerne... :-S Ikkje akkorat mi beste sia...
