Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mooshy stuff.

Cold. Cozy. Spiffing, even.

Really nice weather here today. Cloudless sky with autumn sun (can you write that?), no wind at all and drizzle of snowflakes on the ground. Aaah. Beautiful! Gorgeous! Perfect!!! And tomorrow's gonna be the same! Woohoo! *happy dance lasting 5 mins*

Back from good grammar class. Felt as if I was walking like an old lady to uni today, because they hadn't gravelled (can you write that? (#2)) the road except by the main entrance to my flat and the uni premises. But it was nice to pack myself in a thick sweater, scarf, cap and mittens, though.

Oooh, phonecall from parents! Got the latest gossip from hometown... Man, when I think about my former classmates and their present circumstances... I dunno, it's so weird how fast time goes. It's almost scary. Suddenly they're there living with boyfriends and getting married. 5 years ago we were all together and anxious to graduate from Junior High... Now we're spread out all across Norway; some with families already (or at least in the process of starting one). It's so surreal... We've come so far... I honestly thought it'd take a while longer. But that doesn't mean that I'm not happy for them! :-)

It's just the same thing with my former classmates from Senior High (videregående). Although I've seen a couple of these people again at uni, we're all spread out doing our own thing. Well, spread out to a greater extent, as most of the people I know have started studies around Europe and in the US and Canada. I believe some of these people are living together and/or have gotten married as well... This is even more scary as it has only been what, one-and-a-half years since we graduated? Freaky. I wonder how they rest of them are doing...

Ach, this is getting mooshy. I'll go now before this gets worse! :-P Besides, I'm getting hungry. Ergo, I should eat.

Still in need of buying James Morrison's CD and checking out more Bob Dylan stuff,


Monsoon said...

Nice weather here too... I actually saw your parents today, we got the same train home.

Crisp dry air, I love that.

And about time flying at an insane speed; you better get used to it. It flies even faster as time goes by, believe me. Terrible, but true. I feel that I am just standing still and watching "life go by".

People having children and getting married, and here I am; living with my cat. Yes, she is my live in partner, eh!? *lol*

Flowers and huggies and pops

Monsoon :-)

Elise said...

I'm beginning to get used to it now, actually. But it's still strange to think back on how we used to be in High School and compare that to what we're like now. Of course we were in the inevitable hormone-infested period of our lives, but it's still strange to contrast...

Watching life go by? Hm. Perhaps. But in the cases of my former classmates, I think it's too early. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them; it just that from where I'm standing it seems that they've settled down with whoever was there at the time. Seems a tad impulsive to me. As if they're rushing to get everything done so that they can stop and take a breather. Not exactly something I'd do myself. But then again, we're all different...

In your case... well, being single isn't all that bad! Besides, you just have to take it as it comes along; if you stay single, there's nothing wrong with that! I can understand you, though, that you feel that the situation is hopeless. But live your life to the fullest and be good to yourself. In your life it's all about you, you know! Grasp every opportunity you have to do something nice to yourself and others (which I know you are doing already), and just take life as it comes. And pray a lot. :-)

I know you've probably heard this stuff before. I may just be listing up a bunch of clichés, but if you just live your life with that attitude, something good might turn up before you least expect it. Don't get all Bridget Jones when it comes to life. It's not worth it! ;-)

Forever filled with clichés (involuntarily, mind you),


Sminkedukkene said...

I passed so no worries!

Kim said...

it is kinda freaky that so much stuff happens on such a short period of time. i guess you just can't help it... hope you are doing great in oslo. love ya, kim