Saturday, September 30, 2006

Crying in the rain...

Not literally, obv! Actually I'm rather happy today! You know, perky. It's just the song I'm listening to right now. The A-Ha version. As a matter of fact, it kinda fits, because 'tis but raining quite hard here. Well, hard with respect to when it usually rains here in Oslo... So far there's been only droplets instead of real raindrops. Droplets are for whimps. This is the real thing. This is just like rain from home. Note to myself: Buy rain boots. Or at least more waterproof shoes. And waterproof bag, perhaps? Nah. Don't spend too much money on things that are in reality unnecessary. Restrain yourself, Elise.

Ooh. Thunder. Scary.

Really quite nice with rain sometimes. Where I live there are several huge water puddles that you need to half-jump over to get to the subway/tram stations. And uni. Ugh. Too much asphalt, I say. Typical city surroundings, I guess.

Inger has just visited me in the middle of my hectic schedule. Really nice to have her over (even though I got completely soaked)!!! It's been too long since we've seen each other! Had a really long talk about anything and everything; how she's been, how I've been, her work schedule, my lecture/seminar schedule, our families, faith, people, etc. I really appreciate her being my friend - we can talk about anything from the shallowest topic to the deepest philosophical questions in life. A great friend! :-D

Hm. 4 pages of notes to take for grammar, then I'm on schedule. On that subject, at least. ExFac is slightly more different. This week we've had about 50 pages. One-and-a-half chapters. Argh. Cringe. Not exactly my cup of tea. Will catch up during fall break.

I'm so grateful for all the friends I have. Just thought I'd write that. Can't wait to see them again! Yup, coming home soon! Actually to be more specific, next weekend! Yey! *happy dance* Dad's getting kinda anxious now - he's asked the same question for the past 5-6 weeks now ("So, when are you coming home?") - so I guess it's time for me to do something about it! Awww... Bless him! He's not exactly been a person who expresses his emotions as much as myself, so yeah, I kinda took that hint...

Actually, moving to Oslo wasn't as "dramatic" as I thought it would be. To be honest, I'd expected me having sporadic crying fits, but no. Haven't had any. None whatsoever. Hm. Dude. And the crazy thing is that Oslo doesn't seem to be that far from home, though in reality it is. Other side of the country. Strange. Maybe it's because I've got a phone. And internet. Everything just seems so much closer to home than what it really is. Hm. Something to ponder there.

So with that little thought I hereby leave you all for now!

Mahna mahna (cf. last video posted),

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