Saturday, September 30, 2006


Heh, bet nobody's used that word as a post title.

My 13th post this month? :-S This is SO not like me... I mean, I've seen worse cases (up to 40-50), but this is a new record for me. Dude...

It's getting late. Listening to Rick Astley (in other words, stereotypical 80's sugar-coated pop). I dunno, it's just catchy. Though the lyrics are as shallow as can be. Synth-pop.

Kinda find 80's music intriguing. Everything from so-called 'poodle rock' (that's the name for it in Norwegian, haven't got a clue as to what the English equivalent is. Bear with me.) and power ballads to synth pop. Can't say the same about the clothes, though, let alone the hairstyles! Puffy sleeves and shoulder pads? Tights? POLYESTER??? (Cf. "polyesterbaluba" in one of my previous blog entries) Sorry, no! Yes, I was born in that decade; yes, the music was just fine; yes, there were lots of historical happenings in that decade; yes, there were a few good films made, but when it comes to clothes... Excuse me while I curl myself into a ball in sheer discontent.

Hm. Suddenly stricken by a slight case of writer's block. Listening too intently to "Two Princes" by Spin Doctors. I think I'm getting tired. I should go to sleep, however, my fingers just seem to surf over the keyboard at the moment. Rather unwillingly. Rather involuntarily. Addicted to posting blog entries. Scary. I've got to cut down on that. Focus on the stuff that really matters.

The thing about blogs is that they tend to be so self-centered. It's all about the blogger, really. Could it be the reason why blogging is so addictive? That people are just too full of themselves? That they want to show the world how it revolves around them? Humph. Don't know the answer to that. Guess that question will remain unanswered.

Don't take this the wrong way; I don't consider myself the center of the world, neither am I full of myself. Just wondering why people keep blogging, that's all. I mean, in reality it's sort of monotonous.

Ok, *yawn* Getting sleepy now. Will hereby go to sleep. Up early tomorrow. Gotta catch up on my work.

Still missing my piano. *sob, sob, sob*



Monsoon said...

Hi there you!

Well about blogging beinf one long ego'trip...

I can't say that I feel very egocentric or totally hung up on myself really. I am very much into politics and the world's going on's. (is that how you write that!?)
I guess why I tend to not write too much about that sort of stuff, is because I don't hink that my foregin readers would be so interested in it. Agree? Politics can be boring too.

Neither you, nor me, only write about ourselves. We have both written the occasional entry about something that matters. For instance I wrote about Auschwitz, and how visiting that has had a profound impact on me, I wrote about child sex trafficking, and more.You wrote about religion and the Pope... To mention a few.

So don't worry, although we do write about ourselves, we are not egos having a hard time spending time in reality.

I don't think so, because we are not superficial, and do not only discuss or talk about lipgloss, design, expensive cars, designer outfits and more "look at me, I am so rich and shallow" stuff...

I am glad your move to Oslo has gone so well, truly happy for you!!

Love and diapers Oeinao

Elise said...

Awww, that's so sweet! :-D You're such a good friend! Thank you for being that! ("Ave, ave...")

Um, yeah, I guess you're right. But I just felt as if I'd written "un montón de" nonsense these past few days. You know, uniforms, guys in general, "mahna mahna" (addicted to it!) and... well, things that I consider to be rather shallow. But as you say, it would be pretty boring to write about politics and deep stuff all the time as well.

We're not shallow. My new mantra. Along with "we don't possess split personalities". :S Yeah. Enough crap.

Hope to see you soon! (Coming home next weekend! *happy dance*)

Libero (hm, since this seems like a Spanish word, I'm wondering if I should write 'libera' with an A instead),