Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gaaaaah! (The sequel)

Hm. Don't have that much to write, really. Right now there's TONS UPON TONS of stuff for me to happily dig into and drown myself in. English grammar and Ex.Fac., for instance. Oh yeah, more than happy to let myself immerse into this wonderful world of deep thoughts and extreme terminology.

Take it to da bridge... (Don't ask me why I wrote that, but it seemed right at that moment. Think it's from "Killing Me Softly", you know, the version by the Fugees. Don't know why, but that line just came to me. Sudden flashback to Elementary/Junior High... Anyway.)

Actually, when I focus on the stuff at hand, it is kind of interesting. A crazy amount of terms you need to know for the exam, but interesting once you get it. My gosh, I tell ya, if my brain was like a computer with several USB outlets, I'd most certainly install the latest version of English Grammar and Ex.Fac. into it. It's so deep!!! I mean, the grammar's there - after 3 years at ISS, how could it NOT be there? I've got it in my veins already, but now we have to examine why we actually write the way we write and get these strange terms for analyzing sentences, etc. into our veins as well. Not that I mind, though (said the eternal optimist), but there's just so much to take in all at once I'm not sure I'll be able to remember everything for the finals. I mean, what if they suddenly ask you "What's the role of the oblique object in this sentence: (...)?" Or perhaps "What defines an SVsP pattern sentence?"


Get my point?

I'm-a gone continue the stuff I need to do. I'm kinda behind on some stuff. YES, I know full well it is Saturday today, but I really, really have to. (Nerd.)

Suddenly now I realize the necessity of getting myself into a study group. Ms. Hanson was right. You really do need it at uni, especially for the heavy stuff.

Enough, already. And off we go.

Temporarily busy as a bee,


Monsoon said...

It's oeinao here! Hihi

Yes my friend Stina from Sonans is playing around on the same playground as you are at the moment. With ex fac and all that, as she started her bachelor's degreee in English here in Stavanger.

Sound like you are enjoying yourself though, which is terrific.

I am doing everything I shouldn't, but I am up to date on the studying, I think anyhow...

Saw your dad whilst driving today, and thought of you.

Hope you are well, and that life is treating you kindly.

Hugs and all that from Eilen/Monsoon/Oeinao

Elise said...

Omigosh, I'm seriously gonna call you oeinao now!!!

Yup, am doing fine here. Life is indeed treating me kindly. So far.

Still haven't gotten around writing you that Spanish email yet. Will do so asap, or should I say, as soon as I get enough time in my hands (a.k.a. asaigetimyh, or something like that...).

Judging by your blog entries, you seem to be doing pretty good as well. Sort of. I know you are still struggling with heartache (sorry to bring up the topic! Flashback alert!), but - as we all know - time heals all wounds. A painful process, but true.

Just trying to cheer you up a bit, I guess... In vain... :-S

Anyways, hope you're enjoying/fretting over the academic challenges of UiS! I certainly am over here. Sort of. But the workload really makes me want to create some sort of study group here. I need it. Seriously.

Enough bollocks for one blog! As the world-famous Bridget "Bijjit" Jones once said: "Better dash." Have fun at uni!!! God bless!!!

Elise (the Nerdette)