Friday, September 01, 2006

My Piano with a capital 'P'

Ode to My Piano

O piano, how I miss thee,
Thy sweet ivories with which I long to be.
Instead of thy music sweet
I'm constantly listening to a miserable beat
From downstairs where they're having a party,
Where I reckon they are drinking hearty...

(Actually the last bit should be "heartily" instead, but I'm trying to make things rhyme, ok? I know my grammar, mind you!!! And there is supposed to be a party downstairs, but there's not as much noise as I thought there'd be... A little fib there.)

How I long to tickle thy keys
The very thought makes me think of a breeze. (Like in a soothing context, yeah?)
Yet here I am stuck with a pile of books;
Reading on a Friday night will surely earn me some (bewildered) looks.
I do not intend to read, nor listen to a CD,
Alas, alack, I miss listening to thee!


Craaazy poem, but I DO MISS MY PIANO!!! MY PRECIOUS DARLING BLACK ELECTRIC CASIO PIANO SITUATED IN MY ROOM BACK HOME!!! My gem! My pastime! My loved one (among many, of course - I refer to people here, obv. However, in terms of objects this is the one I love the most)! Instead I'm stuck with a bunch of CDs and books with chapters tingling with anticipation for me to read them! Yaaargh! *definitely NOT happy-dancing today - more like slow sad swaying...*

Okay. Enough of the absurdities already. Even though I never thought I'd miss an object as much as I do right now. However strange that may sound.

I'm kind of astonished that there isn't that much work to do at the moment at uni. Quite frankly, I'd expected heaps more stuff than what we've gotten so far. But it'll come in due time, I reckon. It always does. (Said the eternal pessimist, otherwise known as Elise... Nah, I'm not actually a pessimist, really. I just come off as one sometimes.)

Apart from that, all of the teachers seem to be very nice indeed. Even those teaching the heavier subjects such as Examen Facultatum and English Grammar. I mean, you really do have to focus on what the lecturer/professor is saying in these subjects, but when you actually think about what is being said most of the stuff is interesting. Heavier than any infinitely large piece of lead, but still interesting.

I'm not feeling very good about embarking on the lectures of Examen Philosophicum, however, which I plan on starting next semester. I've got a hunch that this is going to be more about knowing about the various theories of the famous philosophers through the ages. More about Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Kant, Hegel, Nietsche, Kierkegaard, and all of these characters. In the TOK classes of IB it was more revolving around the concept of "the knower" and the process of knowing something. Taking philosophy into practice, I guess; i.e. relating it to the actual learning process. I fear this won't be the case here...

Either way, I'm not going to worry about that for the moment.

I miss my piano.

Heh, suddenly reminded me of something I heard a cat (YES, it was a CAT!) say:

"Oooooh, my dog... Oooh, Long John... Oh, Don Johnson... Oh, Don Piaaaaano... Whyyy I eyes ya... All the live long day..."

Here's the link to it if you feel inclined to watch the clip:

The cat I was referring to is at the very end of the clip, and - dare I say - the very highlight of it. Cute. Real cute.

Anyway, enough bollocks for now.


A huge shout-out to Kim, who's going to go to Australia in the very near future and then immediately afterwards embark on another DTS in Thailand. God be with you always!!! You'll be in my prayers!!!

And (dude, I started a paragraph with 'and'... living on the edge of grammatical/structural validity here!) another shout-out to Eilen, who - according to my own feeble mind - is still struggling with heartbreak. Who wouldn't if someone has made that kind of mark on your life as he has!!! I'm-a gone pray for you, too!!!

And (there I go again...) for the rest of y'all... well... be nice. :P

Probably making y'all bored with all this meaningless chit-chat,


Monsoon said...


Sorry I wasn't home when you tried to contact me on Msn. I was at a friend's house.

I truly love your oeinao poem, it is genious!

I feel I have way too much to do these days, so you're lucky who feel the opposite. Heeelp! I am not ahving the best time at Uni yet, but I do home that improvement isn't far away.

And as for the text on Msn. I am trying to say this: "Han er med meg hele tiden. Det vil si i blodet mitt... Skjønner du? Hva skal jeg gjøre?" ... Sikkert knallfeil, men men. Har ikke ordbok nå, for den har eksen fått igjen...

Well take care!!!

Abrazos Eilen

Elise said...

Hehe, forstod den, da! Forstår hvorfor du har det slik. Nei, forresten, jeg gjør egentlig ikke det...

The poem was basically a spur-of-the-moment thing. Just miss it so much!!! I seriously never thought I'd be that kind of person who'd really miss an object as much as I did when I wrote that, but apparently it is possible for me to be materialistic. Too much, even. Yargh. I've become a material girl. How sad is that?!

My fingers are still itching to play on it!!! If only I could bring it and if only there was enough space!!! Core, can't really say I like this flat based on that.

That's okay, I wasn't offended or anything that you didn't answer. I was just wondering since you'd put the "away" sign on... Confusion galore. That's, like, sooo me!

Anyway, still have to send you a Spanish mail... Sorry, been procrastinating too much...

Anyway, hope your time at uni will improve in time. Eres en mis rogueras (or something like that at least)!!! Get my drift? Err... well...

See ya soon! God bless!

Elise said...

By the way, 'oeinao'??? My gosh, no offence or anything, but that's the worst spelling mistake I've ever seen in my entire life!!! Sure beats the crap out of "trafikkanter"!!! :-P

Monsoon said...

Og dear!

Do not remind me of that terrible spelling there. Well, I think that sometimes my fingers run a little crazy on the keyboard, trying to be all over the place at the same time. It is at times like this that upsetting and horrible spellings mistakes occur. I ahve (see there you go again... I write ahve instead of have...) as I was saying; I have a sad tendency to always write the vocal in a word first. Like ahve-have emg-meg, ejg-jeg, abre-bare and so on. It seems like my fingers, combined with my ambidexterous brain, are highly confused.

As for your materialistic cravings: Fear not dear friend!
It is not so much the piano and its wood that you're missing. You miss the act of playing it, to be be creative, right... And also you miss it because you can enjoy the feeling it gives you inside. I bet your soul feels at ease after a session. So my point is that it is not so bad to miss a piano like that, it's not that much of a dead thing.

So go ahead; miss it, and look forward to meeting it again sometime closer to X-Mas!

Huggies xxx

Monsoon said...

And my last post started with another spelling mistake... *roaring laughing right now*
Og instead of oh....

Elise said...

Heh, thanks for the reassurance that I've not gone completely "material girl"! Yeah, I think you're right, though. I miss the act of actually playing on the piano more than the piano itself. But don't get me wrong, I actually DO miss my piano - or as you so eloquently put it, my oeinao. (That there's gonna stick with me for ages, whether you like it or not!) As I said before, if I'd had more space here, I'd SERIOUSLY consider bringing it over.

No, hang on, let me rephrase that. I'd seriously BRING it over at once.

Hehe, gotta love those spelling mistakes! Completely get your drift on that one, though! In a vain attempt to try to explain as to why these grossly annoying yet extremely entertaining errors occur, I think it might be because your brain kinda thinks faster than what your fingers can cope with! And as for the ejg-jeg thing, it could easily be mistaken to be a local S&F (Sogn & Fjordane) version of 'jeg', so that's cool. Far-off accents are fun(ny).

Either way, take care and (as a friend of mine geniously stated in her blog) God bless your socks off!

See ya soon!

Elise said...

Oh yeah, and my peinao...

O crap. It's rubbing off. Let me try again.

Oh yeah, and my piano is btw entirely synthetic. All plastic. Well, all plastic and metal. So the ivories aren't made of real ivory in this case, neither are they made of wood. No sirrey-bob. Aaaaall plastic. Lousy quality, really, compared to a real piano, as the friction on the keys are more or less non-existent, but it works. For now.

Was considering at one point to buy a better one, but since this my first piano still works like a charm I think I'll save that ambition until I get a job. I'm gonna have all sorts of pianos all around the house!!! :-D

Anyway. I'm-a shut up now.


Just so you know.