Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Done! Donedonedonedonedonedone! :-P

Woohoo! Happy and relieved gal behind the computer screen now, I tell ya.

Now all I have left is to finish up writing my notes for one chapter (hang on... it's another week... make it two chapters instead... *cringe*) in Ex.Fac., pack up again and head back home to Oslo. *deep breath*

Weird to have two places I call home. I can imagine that I confuse many by that. Leaving home to go home. Dude...

Wonder how things will turn out for my exams. Seems as if my plans of making flashcards and taking notes has not exactly been plausible these last three days... So much for that.

Oooh. Dark outside. And it's only 7:35pm. And it's getting colder.

Went to visit Eilen (otherwise known as Oeinao) today; only lasted for an hour or so since she had to leave for Stavanger (and I for my infamous shopping spree), but still, it was really nice to see her again. Laughing together like two morons as we used to do at Sonans - she raving about on the inevitable topic of... drum roll, please... Bob. To be honest, I wasn't that surprised (cf. her blog), but it was good to get a personal update straight from her own mouth. She's a fantastic friend - even though she's in her 30's. My oldest friend, besides my parents, obv., but that's probably a different case.

So, what about that famous spree of mine? Hah, think again, my friend! As you peeps may well know, I'd set out to drag my butt all the way to Kvadrat to go bananas there, but as I suddenly realized that I didn't have any season ticket any longer, the trip would cost considerably more that what it would've done otherwise, i.e. if I'd had that blasted ticket. Hence, I decided to go to Bryne instead. Smaller selection, but still. When I came there though, I eventually realized that I didn't really need as much as I thought after all. Besides, I reckoned the same things could be found in Oslo anyways. In addition, the idea of typing up my Mandatory Assignment in Grammar kept breathing down my neck. So after 1.5 hours I decided to return back home. Nice walk outside in the immaculate weather, though. Should have brought my camera...

Enough nonsense for one day. More will come in due time, rest assured. Nonetheless, allow me to end this entry with this quote:

"Who is more busy than he who hath least to do?" - John Clarke

Hm. Indeed.


1 comment:

Monsoon said...


I am totally and utterly sure that you will do fabulous on your exam. How could you not!? You're excellent! SO proud of you for working so hard, and inspiring me.

That shopping spree of yours didn't last long. It reminded of my sprees... Mum can never understand how I can get so much done in such a short time. What can I say; I am a fast shooper.

Yes, I am old aren't I: It's a miracle I am able to stand erect. *lol* Yesterday I had to get my "rullator" out to get around in here. Hihi...

I might add; I am in my early 30's, 32, but yes, I am quite a lot older than you. 12 years.
Ah well, we have fun nevertheless.

I enjoyed yesterday too.

Have a safe trip home

Love Oeinao