Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Wow! I feel good! I knew that I would...

Ok. I know I was going waaaay off on a tangent in that last comment/post/thingy/whatever. Heck, I didn't even stick to the main topic of the blog entry this was based on. The curse of having chronic verbal diarrhea, I guess... *sigh* Again, if any of my atheist friends read this, don't take this the wrong way! :-)
The thing is that once I get started on some topic along those lines... well, the post itself kinda speaks for itself, dunnit? I just have to write something about it even though I'm not that good at discussing and even though I'm ignorant of the many facets and varieties of certain beliefs other than my own. In addition to that I'm ignorant to everything else but the stereotypes of certain faiths except those of my own faith. So please correct my assumptions if I've got the wrong info! Hugely appreciated! :-)

Feeling much better now than what I did yesterday and on Monday (as you perhaps can tell from the two preceding paragraphs ending with smileys...). Fruit really did the trick. I'm back. One-hundred percent. Feeling groovy (think that's the title of a song, btw... Hm.). Groovy. My new buzzword.

Enough randomness for now.


Ps.: Else Catherine!!! Let me into your blog!!! I wanna read your mind!!! (That sounded very strange... õ.O) Aaaaargh!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just sign up over at Problem solved :)
