Sunday, October 15, 2006


Too deep a post to handle, that last one? *giggle* Kinda contrasting with my previous posts, dunnit? Once I get started on such topics I have a tendency to get a little intense... A little too intense. Forgive me.

I should start reading for tomorrow. *nerd*

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritu Sancti (Aaaaamen...),


Anonymous said...

*gasp* You've slain the dragon??!! And set it on fire just to roast your marshmellows??!!!! *quivering bottom lip and watery eyes* But... but.... -Whhaaaaaaaah!!- *cries with despair*

Elise said...

Hahaha!!! That's what them dragons are for, innit? Roasting marshmallows... That's the pacifistic use of those things; using 'em as a bonfire! I say why not?! ;D

See ya tomorrow!
