Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Back to flat after intriguing Grammar session. I like those classes. During those classes you're always so tired that even the driest joke becomes hilarious. That's fun. I like to laugh. Hence my bad sense of humor. It just lightens the load a bit; makes you handle even the toughest circumstances with ease.

Will be on the radio soon. *lol* My moment of fame right there! I'd written this in a previous post, but deleted it as I didn't want anyone to know after all. But then again I'd remain anonymous during the sequence anyway, so I changed my mind. Whattheheck. (Only fools don't change their minds, ya know...)

Yesterday after our Grammar lecture me and a couple of friends sat in the cafeteria chatting about anything and everything. Suddenly this guy comes up to us and says he's from NRK Radio and wondered if we were available for a few questions. I think this is in relation to the... err ... "Arbeidslivsdag" (in lack of an English equivalent) on campus tomorrow, though he didn't specify this at all, neither did he specify which radio station he was from. Hrmph.

So anyway, in our ignorance we consented to answer his questions (after all, how many times in your life will you get a microphone pointed at you?), which were as follows:

1) "How many piano tuners are there in the world?"
2) "How many golf balls can fit into a Boeing 737?"
3) "If you were to move Mount Fuji, how would you go about?"

After he'd asked the first question we were all astonished, as we'd expected some deep questions on the War in Iraq or something. At least I did; don't know about the rest of the gang. Sara and I were the most talkative of us, mind you. *lol* Anyway, for the first question Sara answered "around 5-10,000, perhaps?" Afterwards we excused ourselves of being mere language students and not math students. Reasoning out numbers isn't exactly our thing, to put it that way. Neither do we need the skill, in that manner, at least. For the second question I don't think we came up with an answer. I think we just accused these questions for being entirely stupid and pointless, and then moved on to the final question, to which I answered "Uh, by prayer?" (Alluding to the saying that faith can move mountains...) That was the straightest answer I could come up with at the time.

Following these questions he posed a final one: "How would you react if an employer asked you questions like these in a job interview?" To which I retorted: "I guess I'd just stare at him strangely. I might even consider walking out of the room." After we'd finished answering this he thanked us for our time and explained to us that questions such as these were used by Microsoft in recruiting staff. Then he left. *cringe* Typical. I knew there had to be a clever catch to this! Imagine staring strangely at a Microsoft executive - Bill Gates, for that matter! Ugh...

So there you have it. I'm gonna be completely humiliated on national radio. Anonymously, mind you, but still. Great start to my years here in Oslo. My first appearance on some radio station and here I come with my absurdities. Wonderful. Just wonderful. So if you hear a loud bang coming from a distance one of these hours, it's probably me hitting my head against my desk.



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