Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday, and I feel like writing nonsense again.

So much for trying to cut down on blog entries, eh?! Darn! This is really a serious case of blogitis. I need to see a shrink. Hm. The only thing in the Student Health Service that I need to pay for. Maybe just a "regular" doctor would do the trick. Financially, at least...

Phonetics test tomorrow. Well, actually I'm just going to blabber on a certain topic/read a certain text for 15 mins and get some feedback from the teacher about what to improve. Shouldn't be too bad, I guess. I mean, I've got a bad case of verbal diarrhea (as most girls do...), so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. I think...

The thing is that I'm going to have a dictation test in Phonetics this coming Friday... Still not feeling quite at ease with the use of diphthongs and certain long monophthongs. Not to mention the infamous strong and weak forms of words. And what if the speaker says a sentence one way, then suddenly goes about and changes her way of saying that into another way! The last two things are my weakest points. Gaaaah! I sooo need to study this stuff. Even though we can have 50% of the transcriptions wrong and still pass, I still need to study. I'm aiming to do my best, after all. I'd take the chance of aiming high if I could, but then the chance of me feeling a tad more disappointed when getting the grade would increase. Ergo, I won't go there. I won't go there at all.

Otherwise, I'm still working on a group translation assignment with Marie. Hope to get it done before I head home; would be nice to get that out of the way. Besides, she's really great to work with, and is quite keen on getting the job done. I would even go so far as to claim that she's got more self-discipline than myself! Just wish that some of that would rub off on me...

Lately I've had a hard time concentrating on my studies. Dunno why... I just sit down and try to read whatever I'm supposed to read (be it grammar/translation/phonetics/exfac), and suddenly I realize there's something else that needs to be done, like wash clothes; do the dishes, or words to that effect (OWTTE). Somehow that sounds so much more fun, believe it or not. Procrastination? Fed up with heavy subjects? Too little veggies/fruit in diet? Probably a little of each. I'm not healthy. I need to get healthy.

Hm. Grapes by study table. *munch* There we go. Problem solved. Good. V. good.

For some reason I'm suddenly reminded of a text me and my fellow ISS Graduates (notice the capital 'G'...) got from our beloved and eminent English teacher Ms. Andvik on contemporary use of Shakespearian language (oooh, big words... love it!); and yes, there is such a thing. We (at least those of us who speak English) actually use it more than what we think.

In fact, I hereby grasp the opportunity as to publish this on another entry due to is sheer size. Ok, this text/poem/discourse/(enter fancy big term here) is rather long, so bear with me, yeah?

So there.

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