Saturday, October 07, 2006

Just to add...

Notice how many days it took for me to write another post on my blog. I'm putting myself in blog abstinence therapy (one of the many topics of BAA - Blog-Addicts Anonymous; The name itself is rather stating the obvious, as most bloggers tend to be anonymous), and so far it seems to have a positive effect.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

Imagination running wild. Forgive me. I blame the lack of sleep last night.



Karina said...

Heia =)

Gøy å ver heima ja!!! kan eg godt forstå!!! Eg sga og heim i ferien for fuste gang siden skulen bjunnte...

Kosa deg masse då!!!

Elise said...

Hehe, ska jær dæ! Shopping i turbofart på Kvadrat! Woohoo! :P

Kosa dæg du ao, då!