Saturday, October 14, 2006

One of those deep posts...

Ok, as the past posts have been filled to the rim by nonsensical - and dare I say shallow - trivialities, I'm hereby going to make this one a slightly deeper one. I've been contemplating on a lot on stuff since my last entry, and once I get started there's no stopping me.

Been thinking a lot about one of my all-time favourite songs, "Ordinary World" by Duran Duran. I know, I know, it's an eighties band and that the music video is a major disappointment, but this song in itself is one of those few songs that give me chills. The guitar solos, strings and "flowing" sound added to the lyrics just blend in perfectly in my ears. Gorgeous. Awesome.

In the last verse it gives off the message that the reasons why we argue with each other in the western world doesn't seem to matter that much. Everyday trivialities such as pride, nagging and complaining about what seems to be everything may seem straining to a relationship (whichever kind it may be), but in the end these things are insignificant. In the end it doesn't make a difference in the world. Nobody really cares what happens with you or any relationship, whether it sinks or swims, it's not going to do the world any good anyway. That is, nobody besides yourself. (I know this sounds extremely cynical, but seen from a larger scope this may be true.) A relationship will give you as a person some pleasure and reassurance that there is - after all - some goodness in the world, but won't make a genuine impact on the world as a whole; it won't give food on the table for people in 3rd world countries, neither will it trigger world peace. The slightly naïve dreams of John Lennon and Yoko Ono fades into nothingness compared to this slightly cold wake-up call. One simply can't just demand every human being in this world to love each other automatically, neither can one single relationship make as large an impact on the world as it probably should. It's simply impossible. Or let me rephrase that; I won't believe it until I see it with my own two eyes.

Come to think of it, many artists nowadays who write songs about the achievment of peace and tolerance seem to make the solution easier than what it really is. I mean, the songs themselves may be inspiring enough, but telling people to love and care for each other isn't going to make problems go away at one instant. The world is not that simple. The world isn't simple at all, though we may sometimes wish it was. Usually conflicts arise from long-term hatred that's built up over a period of time before it's finally let out of the bag and wreaks havoc. Well, obviously it depends on what the issue is, of course. A song is not going to make the world any better. A song is not going to make the Israelis and Palestinians suddenly say to each other: "I'm sorry. Let's kiss and make up." I don't think the world is that gullible.

Man, that was deep. :-S

Stay tuned for more crazy thoughts about anything and everything!


1 comment:

Monsoon said...

I liked this entry very much, but I feel that there is nothing to add really. Interesting thoughts from a smart and lovely girl!

I totally enjoy reading your blog "dahling".

I have a very silly entry today. Can't help myself.

I am in a giddy and silly mood, soo...

"Bombay mix darling, listen to mummy's funny voice when saying that; Bombay mix.." From Ab Fab

Lovey dovey Oeinao xxx