Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm baaaack! (I hope...)

Weekend. And I'm good. Finally. Took me four whole days to beat this thing. Have never in my history of getting colds had a helium-filled head for 4 days in a row. But it's gone now. So far. It's as if I'm alternating between feeling sick and feeling good. As if my body can't decide either. This was a weird week. Maybe it was because of the sushi I had last weekend.

No. It can't be that. It just can't. Too tasty to be true.

Mmm... sushi... Naaah... budget... :-P

Am pretty much content with grades for my first Mandatory Assignments in my subjects. Pretty much. Could have been better, but then again I'm just in my first semester, aren't I? I'm not a genius. If I was I would get it right at my first try. I envy people who are like that; people who just seem to get everything right no matter what they're doing. Yaaargh. I just get this urge to go up and ask them: "Excuse me, may I have some of your brain, please? Preferably all of it?" Either that, or attempt to strangle them for being so smart. No, I won't go there.

Stormy weather at home, apparently. Can understand that Eilen/Monsoon/Oeinao doesn't want to get up and go to uni. Weather like that is just so uninspiring. Very nice once out in nature, but otherwise quite dull. Very dull. Speaking of storm, I heard about those 4 people/fishermen lost at sea outside Rogaland. Trying to be optimistic, but don't think there's much hope for these guys. One of them has so far been found dead (as far as I know), so chances are that the others are as well. Praying for a miracle, despite the severe storm and the wave size being up to 10 meters high; maybe even higher. *shiver* Scary. May God have mercy on their souls.

To turn the mood into something more cheerful, there's hardly been any wind here in Oslo at all. There was supposed to be a storm during the afternoon or something, but all I could feel was just a small gust of wind lasting for about 1-1.5 minutes... and that was it. Humph. Some storm. That's what I like to call "pinglevind" in Norwegian (in English... err... "whimpy wind"? Uh...). Come on! Gimme some wind that'll really knock my socks off! Make me feel homesick!!! And yet these urban city peeps complain! Sometimes I just don't understand them.

THIS is what I long for:

I can feel it now...

Still waiting anxiously for that special gust of wind,


Anonymous said...

We're getting snow this Sunday. Well, that's what the weather girls (or girl, rather) on TV2 said. I heard you weren't used to snow, so that'll be a new experience ;)


Elise said...

Snow on Sunday? Yeah, actually I saw that bit myself. Crikey! :P Well, we do get snow in Western Norway (not very often, but still!), but winters are not as 'harsh' as in the eastern parts.

Note to self: Need to buy extremely thick jacket.
