Sunday, October 22, 2006

Family and diced bacon.

Livin' on the edge...

Haven't done much school-related stuff this weekend. Strangely enough I don't feel any remorse at all. Hm. After church I went home and waited anxiously for my cuz to come visit me. *yeeey* Must have been a year-and-a-half since we've seen each other. Time goes so fast it's almost scary! Suddenly we're both 20; we've left our respective nests and we're currently trying to find our places in life.

It's weird with family such as herself. We seem to still get along despite our differences in attitudes, etc., and can talk about everything. Don't know if it's because we're family, but we're always there for one another and constantly supporting the other and giving advice if needed. It's just the same with my family in the Philz. When I was there last summer I hadn't been there for 10 years, and still me and my cousins connected. I don't know. It's probably a family thing after all.

Today's big thought? Err... Hrm... Well... Ole (get well soon!) left me all gobsmacked after his comment on the last blog post (the looooong one), so I reckon he's said all that needs to be said about literature and art being useless. Which it's not. *lol* So there goes that topic.

Have been thinking about the VG commercial with the old lady with the verbal diarrhea. Somehow she's managed to make me think of diced bacon whenever I see the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Jonas Gahr Støre). "Ok, she's officially gone nuts, this girl!" you might think to yourself, but there is actually a logical explanation for this! The latest commercial featured that lady sitting/lying outside in her yard whilst talking to Hjørdis (her friend) on the phone and looking up at the sky and try to find resemblances with other objects/people in the clouds passing by. She suddenly comes with a remark something along the lines of: "Nei, se, der er det en som ligner på han Gahr Støre - eller er det baconterninger?" ("Oh, look, there's one which looks like that Gahr Støre - or is it diced bacon?") *lol* Absurd, I know. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but thanks to that commercial they've now imprinted the thought of diced bacon whenever I see the Minister of Foreign Affairs! I have a tendency to laugh out loud whenever I see him now, which is a tad disrespectful. Imagine how it would be if I were to meet him in person (not going to happen, btw) and suddenly burst out laughing!

I'm glad I'm not getting into politics. Somehow I think they'd do better without me. I'll stick to languages and be satisfied.


Ps.: Have managed to borrow Elise's (i.e. flatmate's, not myself; that would be very split-personality-ish) guitar to try to get a hold of a musical instrument of some kind. Desperate times require desperate measures.(Ach, suddenly forgot how that saying went, but you get it, right?) Now after half-an-hour or forty minutes of strumming my heart out, the fingertips on my left hand are all numb. Steel strings, soft tissue. Not a good combo. Ugh. But the sound is better than with nylon strings, though; much more distinct sound to it. Groovy.

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