Monday, October 16, 2006


One of the stranger words in the English language. Makes me think of tooth fillings. Just thought I'd point it out to y'all... Apparently the definition of the word is as follows (according to the Penguin English Dictionary): "Complete composure, or self-assurance; poise". Dude. To think that such a strange word could have that kind of meaning to it. English is a weird language. That's why I'm studying it, I guess. It's a language filled to the rim of big fancy words - which I love. Words like deviously, ambiguous, malevolent, euphoric, concoction, blatant, dwindle, delapidated... The list goes on and on... *giggle* Enough of this nerdy talk already.

So didn't feel like attending the Ex.Fac. lecture today! Should have followed Eva's suit and stayed at home after my Translation class. Ah well. What's done is done. Great to see all of my friends (err... most of them, at least) again, anyway. In addition to that, I took the liberty as to buy myself some cake. After all, it was a manic Monday (after fall break/study week the first day usually tends to be like this). I had a perfectly legitimate excuse to buy one. (Legitimate. Another big fancy word. Kewl.)

*Off topic* Finally feel as if I'm getting on track with all of my subjects. I'm basically on schedule with all of my subjects now. More or less. Notice the faint, yet present aura of worry here. Keeping this up, on the other hand, is another story. I'd probably not have as much aplomb in a few weeks time. Just wait and see if these posts get more frantic after a while, or if I fail to post entries for a certain period of time. You'll know why. There won't be much of a surprise for you there, I reckon!

*Off topic again* Happy to have remembered to bring two DVDs back to my flat; namely 'Ice Age' and 'Pride & Prejudice' (the BBC version). Very happy indeed. Euphoric, even. Could have brought 'Shrek' with me as well, but there was no room in my suitcase. *sigh* At least I'm able to watch Scrat, Sid and the rest of the gang. Good enough for me. Oh yeah, and Colin Firth in a wet shirt. :-P *lol*

Anywho, must turn my cerebral frequency into 'ex.fac. mode' now so I'll be even more on schedule with my subjects.

*snap, snap*

(Am suddenly reminded of "Schnappi - das kleine Krokodil"... *cringe*... Nooo!!! Make it stop!!!)


Monsoon said...

Oh my! Talk nerdy to me, that's all I have to say... Wow. I get all quivery from your beautiful words. I always use deviant, but I think from now on I will have to use the more stunning sounding "deviously". yes, I must. There is nothing like words. No way.

Lucky you who have Pride and Prejudice. I so must buy that. And needless to say; I want the BBC series version. Not the new film. Yuk! Must have Ehle and Firth...

I wouldn't worry if I were you. About the studying; you are so assiduous ( a word I love!) and intelligent, so no worries there my dear!

Have a good one!

Hugs, besos, nappies and all Monsoon :-)

Elise said...

Ehrm. Don't get all quivery around me, please... ;) But yeah, gotta love big words! Like in Spanish: Enmarañamiento (whatever that meant... forgot... Don't snap at me, Terje!)

Haven't exactly seen the new version of P&P myself. Not sure if I'd like to either. No matter how good looking that new Mr. Darcy fella is. Nope. Gotta have Firth. Especially Firth. Bonham-Carter (Mr. Bingley) would do as well, since he's always smiling compared to Firth, but Firth would most definitely do!

To think Mr. Bingley's real name is Crispin! Crispin Bonham-Carter! Probably related to Helen, but Crispin?! :S I pity him; he must have been tormented during his childhood (along the lines of "So, feeling crispy today, Crispin?").

Poor lad. :*(

Assiduous... Gorgeous word! Thanks for pointing that one out to me!

Have a good one? A good what? Huh? Could you be more explicit, pray tell? (Acting stupid, btw)

Libero Up-and-Go,