Thursday, October 26, 2006

Maybe not...

Ugh. This sucks.

Thought I'd beaten this, but apparently I hadn't after all. Still feel a bit woozy, topped off with feeling cold inside. I'm not being poetic here, by the way. It's just as if my bones feel cold and the rest of the body feels just fine. Just feel so uninspired to do anything even close to being academical today. I really do think I'm coming on to something. Yes, I've gulped down lots of liquid. Yes, I've taken Paracet. Yes, my head still feels as if it's been filled with helium. Now if I could just stick this out 'till after 4pm tomorrow, that would be great. At least this wasn't in the middle of the week. *sigh*

Song of the week: James Morrison with "You Give Me Something". Just plain smooth... Groovy, even. Love it. Quite souly and Joss Stone-y, even though there's not that much of the voice acrobat stuff she's got going on. Which is good. Which is very good. Despite me feeling strange I've had this song stuck in my head for the whole week. Not exactly in the league of "Mahna Mahna", but still. He's got a nice voice. Very calm, very soothing. And his songs are great. Love the way he's integrated the "big band" touch to this one. And the strings. Gotta buy his CD. Once I get past this... thing. Argh. Am posting a live version here, which in my opinion is just as good as the single version, despite all the screaming at the beginning and at the end:

Think I'll nap for a little while now. But before I go, here's another vid; this time of the Swedish Chef (whom I simply adore!), Miss Piggy and the two old guys (can't remember their names off the top of my head). One of my favorite sequences of the series! The video is of a rather poor quality, but the jokes are intact:

Hiiiiiiiiiyah! :-P

God bless YouTube,


Monsoon said...

Aaawhhh... Dearest! I hope you will be able to beat this crappy and ill feeling. Be good to yourself, and unwind.

It is storming outside here, so I gues you can say I am really looking forward having to go outside to go to school. Especially when I am going in only to listen to other people' s presentations. Ugh!
I'd rahter stay in bed cuddling up in its warmth...

Have a good weekend.

Huggies Monsoon :-)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I LOVE YouTube. YouTube is my crack. I don't like that guy though, his voice is annoying...and that very soft guitar sound...ugh. Anyway, bye!


Elise said...

Ah, well, people are different. I just posted the vid 'cause I liked it myself. Doesn't mean you have to like it, though! :) I just found his sound kinda smooth. Smooth is me; as long as it sounds "logical" to my ears, that is.

Have an awesome weekend (or at least try)!
