Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My future cat...

Just to have it said, if I'm going to own a cat in the future (which I've planned on having), I have it all planned out. As I don't think Mom would be too keen on having a furball around the house (she's got this thing against cats and any kind of furry animal; think it's because the occurence of rabies is more frequent in the Philz than in Norway), I'm planning on getting one once I get my own place. Not counting this stage, as pets aren't allowed where I'm living and because it would be too much of a burden right now...

But as I've said, I've got a detailed plan inside my head on which kind of cat I'm going to have. It's going to be black, male (would prefer vast amounts of kitty pee rather than pregnant cat) and have the name of Mozart Gråtrastemannpus Rufsetufsgampen Kattegat. And of course with my last name at the end. Obv. A real mouthful, but there is a reason for all this:

  1. Mozart is one of my all-time favourite classical composers. Beethoven would give canine associations, so I won't go there.
  2. "Gråtrastemannpus" was a name my aunt (Dad's sister) insisted on using for the family cat after Dad had suggested the more tasteless alternative "Katt F***". (Fyi, the Norwegian F-word...) When she was asked about the rather peculiar choice of name, she simply replied: "Ja, kjeme du på någe bere?" ("Yeah, well, can you come up with anything better?")
  3. "Rufsetufsgampen" was a name a friend of mine back home had for her cat. Originally the Norwegian translation of the name of a horse in a German cartoon. Can't remember the name of the cartoon itself, though. It was featuring a wise bear and a tiger, I remember. In one of the shows there was some fuss about a wooden box from Panama... That's all I recall off the top of my head. Ring a bell with anyone?
  4. "Kattegat"? I dunno, it just fits.
  5. My last name? Because it will be a family member, that's why! Mi familia... Am suddenly reminded of "The Godfather"... ("I'll make you an offer you can't refuse...") Don't ask me why... 'cause I don't have a straight answer for that one.

Woe on the cat who will be owned by yours truly. May the Lord have mercy on it because of its insanely long name.

Enough already.


1 comment:

Monsoon said...

Good name. *lol* I had a friend whose gerbil had the esteemed name Aid Tengel Kjell Bosch Hansen Swiss Miss plus one more I canæt remember. My beloved cat's whole name is Shira Randi Monsoon, but I call her Shira.

Didn't know you were a cat person. Hmm, another thing one must love about you!!

Huggis and nappies Oienao or Monsoon